You Healed Me

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Stef's POV

After one more night spent at the hospital, it was FINALLY time for me to get back home. I swear I hate being stuck in a bed all day, especially in a hospital.

I'll have to rest a lot though. The doctor said that my heart was pretty fragile and though I don't have any illness, or real thing that could get me into medication or something like that, he said I must be careful. He said, no strong emotion, no stress, no effort and the worst of all... no sex! Just for a little while, but still, it was torture. 

I swear it was killing me because now that I have my memory back, I remember a few things that Lena likes a lot in bed. Things that could make her tremble and scream in such way that she wouldn't even remember what I did to make her orgasm so hard and so she couldn't even tell me about those little tricks when I didn't have my memory.

In my mind I don't feel sick, or stressed or anything, I feel good, and I'll follow the doctor's orders on everything or almost, for the sex part, I'm not sure I can resist.

In another hand, Kamaya was happy to see me come back home and also released, I could see it all over her face which was a good thing. Mom and Dana flew back to their lives since I am home now, and I love them for staying with Kamaya and making it easier for her and for us, so that Lena could stay with me at night.

Now I'm currently in my bed, with my stunning wife laid next to me. We both tucked Kamaya in at the same time and we both took our shower together, slowly washing the other while kissing a little every now and then. How I manage not to fuck her in there, I don't even know, but it was sweet, and I love those times that we spend as a couple.

But life is a little different now. I see the world a little differently and I'm often lost in my own thoughts now for they were so many things that I remembered at the same time that it was too overwhelming for my body to take, now I try to remember one event at the time and process my life. I need to in order to understand myself better.

"Are you sleeping?" I whisper softly to Lena for it was dark and I couldn't really see her eyes.

"Yes..." she says in a sleeping tone, but I can tell she is smiling at her own jokes which made me smile as well for my baby has a silly side that not everyone knows and that I love very much.

"What's up babe?" she says, turning to face me and stroking my cheek instantly.

"I just... I was thinking about... about when we went on those dates, you know after the accident." I am beginning, thinking about how badly this could have end up if I didn't realize what I was going to lose by treating Lena like she was the enemy.

"I remember those. You were trying to seduce me." she says as I can almost see her smile appears in the dark. That was years ago and yet it feels like yesterday that I was falling in love with her all over again, for the second time in my life.

"You know, during one of them you said... you said that you wished you could have healed me, make it easier for me to be happy with myself, with who I am... I just... I just wanted to tell you, that you did heal me. You healed me way before my accident, you healed me way before we move out of this very house, you have been healing me since the day we've met and I should have told you, I should have told you this because... because I could have died that day... I could have and you wouldn't have known that you did this amazing thing for me, I should have told you, so I'm telling you now... You've healed me, just by being there and loving me, most of the time more than I loved myself, and I'll be forever grateful for this, and for you my love, forever." I say getting all sensitive about it.

"Baby... thank you for telling me. It means a lot for me you know.... all I ever wanted was to make you happy and sometimes I feel like... like you sacrifice yourself and what you really want just to make me happy and I..." she starts as I cut her off.

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