Was I Insane ?

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Stef's POV

"Doctor can you please tell me what is happening? Who is this woman? And why am I here?" I ask as the doctor comes back into my room.

I certainly tried to get more information from the nurses there, but they kind of ignored me while checking on every machine plugged on me. They gave me a light sedative that kept me from having a panic attack, but it was making me insane. I needed to stay focus because I wanted, no I needed to see my son, at least know where he is because, the last thing I remember is that I was going to pick him up from day care, and then everything is black, and I don't know what happened after. Mike probably went to pick up Bandon, but I guess I'm still worried because they should both be here by now.

"Listen, Stefanie..."

"You can call me Stef."

"Stef... you had an accident, a very bad one, but you miraculously got out of it with just a broken leg and a head injury... your leg is repaired, you will just need a couple weeks of rehab when we'll take off the cast. However, due to your head injury we had to put you in an induced coma that lasted three weeks..." he explains as I'm trying to assimilate everything.

"Oh, that's not that long, you scared me, I thought we were talking about years here. Thank you for everything doc, really. I just want to see my son and my husband; can you call them please." I say, kind of cutting him off as he has a concern expression on his face that is not reassuring at all.

"Stef, your head injury was located in the parietal lobe, and we have reason to believe that it affected your hippocamp, involved in memory so... when you had that accident, it provoke what we call an retrograde amnesia which mean that there are a lot of things from your past that you can't remember..." he says as I looked at him confused for except the black out right before picking up Brandon, I remember my past just fine.

"What... I mean, no offence, but are you sure about that? Because I don't feel like I have lost any memory, I..." I say as he now sighs, looking like what he's about to say, is not an easy thing to say to someone.

"We are sure, the president of the United-State is not Bush anymore, we changed president four times since, we are not in 2002, we are in 2027..." he says as I widen my eyes, thinking that the guy is insane if he thinks that I'm going to believe that.

"That... okay. You're joking, right? I mean that is like... 25 five years of gap... No. That's impossible." I say categorically because I refuse to believe it.

"Stef, I'm afraid I'm not joking. This situation is pretty rare, but it happens. Such a huge loss of memory is even more rare, but again, it happens... the woman that was here... she is Lena, Lena Adams Foster, and she is your wife, she was there when your accident happened, she was there the all-time that you've been here, she..." he start saying as I'm starting to realize what is saying, but I still can't believe it. He could totally be making that up.

"No. No, that's... that's just impossible... I am not a lesbian, okay! I'm not, I don't know that woman and again, I want to see my son, I need to see my son and Mike. Where are they, I'm sure they came visit; where are they?" I say, feeling the panic taking over me.

"Stef, I know that's very hard to believe, that it is a very big shock for you, but you have to be prepared... life as you once knew it, is not the same anymore. It will take time before you can fully accept it, but I'm sorry, it is the truth... your son indeed came to see you, along with other people... but Brandon is not the little boy that you remember anymore, he is a man now..."

"No, no! You're lying! My baby is five! He's five, and I... I..." I start to scream and really have trouble to breath when a voice completely stopped my damn brain from racing.

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