Breathe With Me

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Lena's POV

Kamaya was quite sad not to be able come see Brandon's baby with us, but we promised her that we would come again and bring her for the whole holiday. She just had missed a bit of school when Stef was at the hospital, and we couldn't have her missing more of it.

I was so excited during the day that once in the plane at night, I fell asleep instantly and sleep through all of it. Stef, I don't even know if she slept or not, and right now I honestly don't care, I didn't want to speak too much to her, because I didn't want her to kill my joy. Not today, not that one time when I'm happy for once.

I got so excited after Brandon's phone call that I broke the silence treatment but now I don't plane on talking to her like nothing happened, like she didn't just choose Tess over me, and she didn't even come to apologies to me about the awful things that she thrown in my face that day.

Now we are currently at the hospital, right in front Eliza's room and I can't wait! It's the morning here in France, and it took everything in me to wait and knock on the door before I just barge into the room.

"Come in!" I hear Eliza's soft voice as I look at Stef that look kind of nervous, and I can't help myself, when she's like this, she looks so vulnerable that I have to do something to ease her anxious mind.

"It's okay. Eliza is very lovely and very kind, you're going to love her." I try to reassure as Stef gives me a small smile and nod at me.

With that I open the door and walk in, discovering Brandon, the baby in his arms and Eliza on the hospital bad.

"Hi!" I whisper enthusiastically.

"Hey moms. Come closer, come on." Brandon says with such assurance, it's like that little girl made of him another man already.

"Hi Eliza, are you okay? Hum, how are you doing honey?" I ask for my daughter in law is such a sweet soul, and even after all those years she's still a bit shy around us. That's just how she is, and it doesn't make us love her any less for she makes Brandon so happy.

"Hi, I'm fine thank you, we were waiting for you guys actually." she says with a small voice, for I guess she's still tired.

"We came as fast as possible; we are so happy to meet our grand baby. Stef come meet Eliza." I encourage for I can see that she's awfully uncomfortable for some reason.

"Hi... I'm... well nice to meet you? I don't know what to say to someone that remember me, but that I don't remember..." she says very awkwardly as Eliza, shy as she is didn't really know what to say but tried to be nice and comforting anyway for that's just how she is.

"It's okay. I'm happy that you're here. And well... we can learn to know each other again, it's not a problem." She says softly as Stef literally has tears in her eyes, probably from seeing her son's wife for the first time to her and that, the day her grand child is born... that must be hard.

"Moms, come on! She's been waiting for you two to arrive, she's eager to meet her two old grandmothers." Brandon jokes as I smile widely at him, approaching that tiny little baby in his arms.

"Oh my God, she's so cute and beautiful and... Oh she looks just like the both of you, like it's the perfect mixt. Stef come look at her!" I say, trying to whisper for the baby is sleeping peacefully, but internally I just want to bounce everywhere.

I didn't think I would feel that way. I mean I knew I was going to be happy, but... Oh my God, it's like a fresh breeze of air and I... I needed that.

"She's really beautiful baby." Stef says, trying very hard not to burst into tears and right now I have a serious doubt over those being tears of joy, or tears of sadness for I can feel that something is wrong.

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