Hearing Without Listening

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Lena's POV

I was glad to go see my friends with Stef. Have a night off at a bar. That haven't happened in such a long time.

Stef is driving tonight as I started talking her ears off about the job done this week for, I love sharing what I do with her.

"So there were this grant for the elderly people that I managed to get pass, I mean it was such a huge step forward. AND, a small win for you, when I got this women shelter a little bonus so that it could stay open. I mean it's not exactly the place you work at, but I know how much you're drawn to that cause, babe." I say proudly as I see a small smile formed on her face.

"Aww thanks babe. Speaking of my women shelter, I mean... mine is in a bad shape, like we need to collect more found, otherwise, I don't think it's going to last much longer, I will be devasted if I can't save it, you know." she says.

"Well, I'm sorry l can't do anything about that, but like I said I completely nailed it for the one in Sacramento, Cindy and I even went for a quick visit, and the staff, along with the women there, couldn't stop thanking me. You can't imagine how that feels like, to fight for something, and to make it happen just by the power of your voices, I mean, there's nothing like it." I brag a little, for well I can, I have a lot to be proud of since never in a million years I thought that I would get that far in life.

"Oh, I bet." She says.

"Oh, and I didn't tell you, the other day, I proceeded to make a law pass about the foster care system, it was a very important thing that you couldn't understand because it's way too complicated, I mean even I, struggled with it at first, but then, when I finally got it, I fight like a mama lion, you should have seen that, the look on the republican senator when I did my speech, it was priceless." I say, not really getting any reaction from her, so I continue to talk.

"But you know, as always there's still a lot to be done. That's what Cindy and I were working on, that night you called me, so you understand why I didn't really had time to talk." I add, for I figured she was a bit angry at me, when she didn't call the two nights after like she usually does.

"Yeah, I get it. Maybe we'd have some time to talk this weekend though. I mean I know tomorrow Kamaya is going to be clench to you. She misses you so much." she says as I smile softly thinking about my baby girl.

"I know, I miss her too. But you know it's good for her to see that I'm working, that I have such an important job, even more when I'm a woman of color, which she will be in the future as well. With that she will know that it's possible to look like us and have important job in which we exceled."

"I guess, but it's also okay if she doesn't which to do such an important job, maybe she's design for something else, who knows." She replies as I frown my eyebrows.

"Oh but she's my daughter, she will do important things like I do, you just watch, have a little faith in her." I say, for it feels like she looks down on our daughter all of the sudden.

"I do have faith in her, I'm just saying, we will support whatever she decides to do with her life, and we will be proud of her no matter what. I don't want to pressure her with getting as high as you got, I want her to do and be whatever makes her happy." She says, still driving, her eyes stuck on the road as I can feel that she's a little tense.

"I do too. I just think that she's capable of doing incredible things for our community, and be, well... be a little like me." I blurt out, which I know sound narcissistic in a way, but it's just that I know my worth.

"That doesn't sound like you at all. And don't you think that what you are saying can be quite offensive to me?" she asks, looking quickly at me, and now I know that if I don't diffuse that debate right now, we are going to get into a fight, and I don't want that at all, I fight enough at work as it is.

"Honey, you know what I meant. And you know that I think that you're an amazing woman too, come on. Let's just enjoy tonight and not get into a fight, please?" I say, softly putting my hand on hers as I hear her sigh slightly.

"Okay..." she gives in as we arrive at the parking lot where she stops the car.

I know that now Stef is a little upset, and that I have to make things better in order for us to really enjoy our night out with our friends. But I don't worry, I know what to do to make my little wife happy.

So we enter the bar, and immediately all the eyes are on me. I got use to that by now, but I'm happy that this time it was my long-time friends who were there to greet me.

"Oh My God, look who's there!! It's Mrs. State Assembly herself, doing us the honor of her presence, come on here!" Jenna basically yelled for everyone to hear, and she comes on towards me to hug me tightly.

It's true that we got our great deal of issue with Jenna over the years, but at the end of the day we are friends, and we discussed things as adults. Even though it took Stef quite some time to forgive her after insulting me, I manage to get my stubborn woman to get past this disagreement and make peace with her best friend.

"Hi, honey, how are you?" I say smiling ear to ear as all of my friends came to hug me as well, asking how I was doing and all before we went to sit at our table.

"Now, someone must be happy that you're here. Stef looks like some depressed teenager when you're in your fancy Sacramento over there." Jenna spills as I can see Stef giving her a glare.

"Aww, my love. I miss her too. You know I do, baby." I say, happy to take my wife into my arms to kiss her soft cheek as she blushes a little which is still so damn cute to me.

"You really can't shut the hell up, huh?" She says to Jenna, joking, for that's how they work.

"I'm sure you guys are going to have so much sex tonight. I mean, when Lena comes back, it must be like a naked event at your house, I bet." Jenna continues as I laugh, while Stef make her horrified face.

"Jenna!" she reprimands.

"Oh you have no idea. I must give her something to hold on to while I'm gone, right?" I say as Stef sighs deeply and shake her head, for I know that she's still pudic sometimes.

"Speaking of which. Baby, may I have this dance, so I can feel you up?" I ask, standing up and taking my hand out for her to slide hers in as she looks at me smiling widely, and I know now I succeed at taking her bad mood away.

"Ooooh. Dirty!" Jenna comments, as Stef takes my hand and follows me on the dance floor, while a slow song is on.

I put my arms around her curvy waist to pull her closer, as she put hers around my neck. It's true that Stef had gain some weight over the years, and she struggled with it, so damn much. But in my end, I never stopped finding her sexy and beautiful because God she is. She's still the most gorgeous woman that I have ever seen, and I love her body even more now that I did before. Even her lines, I love them for that represent our life, written on her beautiful body.

I press my body even more against hers as we swing together at the rhythm of the music. Stef can't help but run her hands into my curl as she presses her forehead against mine.

"I'm glad to be here with you tonight, babe." I whisper as I can see her smile tenderly.

"Me too. I really missed you." she says softly as I caress her cheek gently.

"I really missed you too. I hope you know that." I say, for sometimes, I know that I don't give her enough attention. I mean, it's for good reason, but still.

"I know love, it's just that sometimes, I... I feel like..." and before she could finish, we heard my phone going off and I immediately pull away to see who it was.

"Lena, seriously? Please don't answer that, and dance with me. It's your night off." She says as I look into her eyes quickly, and it's almost like she's pleading. But then I look back at my phone, and I know I don't have a choice.

"Baby, it's important. I'll be right back, okay." I say, pecking her lips briefly before I walk fast to go outside to answer my phone.

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