Patiently Waiting

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Lena's POV

Thinking about moving back into our old house with Stef and Kamaya just filled my heart with joy... I love that house so much and for Stef to feel a connection to it instantly it was... it was just meant to be, it felt right to come back here, where we have so much good memories, where we built our big and crazy and wonderful family... together.

I think it can also help with her memory, she lived longer into that house than anywhere else, so if there's a place that can help, it's certainly here.

"You know I... I would like to go back to work too. I want to participate, I feel like you're paying for everything..." Stef now says, for she's a proud woman, that would never change.

"I don't pay for everything honey, we used also the money you got from the person who caused your accident... but I get that you don't like not working either, I know it drives you crazy not to do anything." I say for I can tell she's frustrated, but for some reason she didn't tell me.

"Do you think you can... hum... I mean... if you're agree..." she says so hesitantly, like our money was just mine or something, and I get why she feels this way, but she has to know that it's not like that.

"Stef, you can say whatever you want to tell me. It's not just my money, it's ours. We have a common account, remember? I mean, you have yours, I have mine, but the one that we have together is for the both of us, for our life." I say softly as she smiles at me.

"Can we... used some of the money from the sale of the house to finance a shelter? And would you... help me run it?" she asks surprising me a lot this time.

"You want to work with me?" I ask, quite taken aback if I'm honest.

"Well... yeah.... I mean you know your stuff, you're smart and Mike said you can talk, like you're good at convincing people, and you probably know that this is not my thing... and we would need donors and raise money and stuff like that and I just... I don't think I can do it all alone... so... I... I don't know..." she sighs as she gets it out as I smile at her.

"You're sure I won't be too annoying for you?" I say for that still hurt a tiny bit.

"Oh, I'm sure you will, but that would be for a good cause, right?" she jokes as well as I giggle for, I'm going to be annoying for sure, because when I'm passionate about something I just can't help it.

"Okay, how about, I get a job in education, just to be sure that we don't run out of money, because let me tell you, working in a shelter would never be enough to pay all of our bills, the house, the school for Kamaya and everything else. So I get a job in education, and in my free time, I can help you with the shelter. We have very good saving since we are not big spenders, so I think we can make it work." I suggest, pretty excited about our life project, besides... she's literally planning things with me, like with me integrate in her life, personal and professional... I... I just have no word.

"When do you think we can do all this?" she asks.

"Well, I think we should move in first, so that is done, then sold the house to have the founding, and then we're good to go." I say, even though it seems very simple like that, but that will surely take a good among of time.

"Well then... let's pack, woman." She says immediately, surprising me again, a little bit.

"Stef... are you sure about this?" I ask, for not a long time ago, she could barely stand my presence...

"Yes... I'm sure. Lena, I... I know that I'm not easy sometimes... and I know that I often give you hard times, with my temper, and my anger, my frustrations... but... you sticked with me. You were there no matter what... and though I'm not ready to be... like... in a real relationship with you...right now. I think that once I will know myself better, once I'll get used to that kind of new life... even if I don't get my memory back... I think I... I'll be willing to... I don't know... try something... with you... if... of course... if you'll have me..." she stuttered all along, but God it was so worth it to listen to her until the end.

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