Tell Me Again

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Lena's POV

I woke up next to a snoring and naked Stef this morning... The outburst she had last night broke my heart, but I must stay focus on what I have to do in Sacramento for people are counting on me there. Stef is a big girl, and she will manage herself, but there're people that aren't so lucky and that need help, so I'll be there for them.

This morning though, I have to take care of my wife by making her coffee and get her some Ibuprofen, because I'm pretty sure she's going to suffer from a massive hang over since she's not used to drink that much alcohol.

I feel like she needs an occupation other than her job, because it looks like she is losing her mind. What she said about me last night was not only hurtful, but also completely untrue for I still care for her, and for Kamaya, I love them both so much, she has no idea, and I really don't see why she would say all those things.

I make time for them when I can. I am literally here, a weekday, just to surprise them both, and Stef is being completely irrational for she can't denied that the job that I have has an impact in the country we live in, so an impact on our family as well, I'm doing this also for them, and she has no right to say otherwise.

I get that she misses me, I miss her too. We used to always be together, around each other all the time, and we loved that, but that time is over for now, when I'll retired it will be like this again, and I'll be happy about that, but for now, I need to get as much thing as I can done. And if that mean spending a little less time with her, then I'm willing to sacrifice that in order to make some changes for our next generations, which include my children.

Stef needs to understand that. I really thought she did until last night. I was completely surprised by her bunch of accusations. I don't feel like I'm neglecting Kamaya. That little girl is smart, she knows that I love her and that if I could, I would spend much more time with her, but I have obligations somewhere else. She understands my job, I explained it to her, and I know that she's proud of me.

"Oh... fuck..." I hear Stef muddle as she's slowly waking up, putting her hand on her forehead.

"Yeah, tequila shots and whisky do that, honey." I say softly for I know that she usually doesn't drink like this, this is a one-time thing, so I rather laugh about it than make a big deal out of it.

I have to admit that I'm not looking forward to this discussion we must have because I don't want to fight at all, but I know we need it. Not right now, for Stef has to go to work, and today is reserved for my daughter, but we defiantly will be talking tonight. Also, we need to have sex, because let me tell you, I need to have sex with my wife once in a while for going without it for weeks is a lot, and it's frustrating as hell. That's why when I come visit, we make it a point to do it at least once.

"Oh my God, my head hurt." She groans, trying very hard to open her eyes as I grad the glass of water and the pill I got for her.

"Here, take this. I figured you would need it." I say as she manages to sit up and look at me to take the water from me. I can see in her eyes that she feels a bit embarrassed, but I mean, it's me, she doesn't have to feel that way. She exploded, and that's okay, this long-distance thing is hard, so she's allowed to break down once in a while. I think she just need some reassurance.

"Thanks... and... sorry for last night." She says with a small voice and regret written all over her face. At least she knows that what she told me wasn't right.

"You're forgiven, it's okay babe." I say as she is drinking the water and taking the pill.

"There's some coffee over there as well." I point out.

"Thanks..." she says as I don't really know what to say... it's a bit awkward this morning if I'm honest.

"Mmm... you should get ready for work... Corey's mom dropped Kamaya here, like fifteen minutes ago. I'm going to get her ready for our day." I say as she just stares at me for a few seconds, and I don't quite know how to read her, how to understand that expression on her face...

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