I Don't Love You

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Stef's POV

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I say to Lena. I mean what the fuck was that?

"Excuse me?" she says looking at me as angrily as I'm looking at her.

"You were awfully rude to her. And last time I checked, you said I pay for that house, so if I want to invite my friend over, I do whatever the fuck I want." I say feeling my heart racing now from seeing Tess again, but also from being angry at Lena... I mean, I never saw her acting so rudely and be so... so aggressive.

"Oh no you don't. WE pay for that house, and I don't want that woman it in, you hear me? And she is not your friend, she's not our friend, she's manipulative and you... Stef, I'm your wife, the person you have to trust is me, and I'm telling you, that woman is not your friend. She had intruded into our marriage before, and she... you almost cheat on me right before your accident and I'm pretty sure that it was with her so I don't want her in our house and that's the end of the discussion!" she says before she literally walks away from me and get inside as I stood there, speechless for did she just order me something, or what?

I might have lost my memory but I'm not a fucking child, I can think for myself, and if she thinks that she's going to control me, or the people that I see, she's dead wrong!

Also, there's no way I almost cheated on anyone, I would never ever do that to anyone or even think about it, so that is a no! I don't believe that and I'm even questioning what else she lied to me about.

So without losing time, I walk into the house and I go find Lena upstairs. The fact that I'm slow is driving me completely insane right now, and it makes me even more angry that I already am.

"Lena? Lena, we are not done talking about this, you hear me? Lena, you..." I almost yelled while I barge into her room. But I soon stop in my track when I find Lena, her face into her hands, crying...

I calm down a little and come sit next to her even though I'm still very much angry at her.

"What is it?" I say, not wanting her to cry, but at the same time, so damn annoyed and frustrated by her.

"I... it's my fault, okay? It's all my fault." She cries even more as now I'm confused.

"What are you talking about Lena?" I say, gently yet with a pitch of exasperation.

"Your accident... Stef, it is my fault that you got hit by a car, I..." she stutters now, as I feel my heart beating so fast into my chest now... did she pushed me or what?

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying not to scream at her.

"I... when I was in Sacramento, for the State Assembly I was... I was neglecting you; I was dismissive, I didn't pay enough attention to you or Kamaya and you were so unhappy, you were sad and depressed and I wasn't there for you, even when you asked me to... You tried you warn me that our marriage was in danger, but I... I always choose my job, it became my priority and I... it shouldn't have been this way... you and our daughter should have been the priority and you... so you started talking to Tess again, she came back and I barely noticed that you were spending a lot of time with her, I honestly didn't care until... until one day you called me, screaming that I needed to come back because you almost cheated on me, that in twenty-five years you never felt like cheating on me and that now you did and I, I just know it was Tess..." she says as I'm trying to process everything.

"Lena that's impossible, I would never want to cheat on anyone, I'm not like this. That is not true; maybe you misunderstood." I say for I don't want to believe that I could be capable of thinking like this.

"Stef you did, okay. It's like... you didn't want to be gay; you wouldn't believe that you were, yet you are married to me, a woman... we all think we would never be capable of doing certain things, but life doesn't work like this... I never thought I would ever prioritize a job over you, yet I did..." she explains, which makes sense, but... fuck I don't want that to be true.

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