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Lena's POV

I was so eager for Kamaya's birthday. I made it a point to do everything myself for I know for my other children I didn't always have the time because there were so many of them, but since we only have our baby girl left, I figure I could do it all myself.

Stef thought I was a bit nuts, but she understood, and she helped me pick up the decoration, buy all the food and everything. For the cooking part I know she won't be much of a help, but she will do what she can and I'm glad.

To say that we spoiled Kamaya this year is an understatement. Not that we don't usually spoil her, but this year, I swear we went wild, it's worse than Christmas, but hey, she's such a sweet girl and she's always so nice, she has good grades and she behave most of the time, so she deserves every bit of it, and I can't wait to see her little face light up when she'll open everything.

*knock knock*

I head to the door wondering who it could be so early in the morning. I open the door and I'm surprise to see, not only my mom, but also Sharon.

"Surprise!" Sharon shoots happily as my mother is already rolling her eyes at her, for Sharon is known to drive my mother crazy.

"Hi darling. We came early to help." My mother says before she takes me in her arms.

"We traveled here together. It was fun Dana, huh!" Sharon says, taking me in her arms as well as I look at my mom that seems tired of her already which Stef and I find very amusing most of the time.

"Yes... though we won't do that too often..." my mom mumble as I make them come inside.

"I'm sure you guys had a great time." I say immediately to diffuse any arguments.

"And thank you for coming early. I admit that I was a bit overwhelmed." I admit for I barely finished the cupcakes; I planned on doing such a buffet and I think I went a bit too far.

"Where is that sweet daughter of mine. She's helping you, right?" Sharon says as I smile at her.

"Yes she is. She's in the shower right now, she should be down soon." I say, as they both put their purses down and follow me in the kitchen.

"Grandmaaas!" we now hear Kamaya yelling as she gets down the stairs and run to my mom hugging her tight, then to Sharon doing the same.

"Here's the birthday girl!" I say, smiling wide before Kamaya come to hug me and I kiss her forehead, making her smile as well.

"Happy birthday my love." I say softly, taking her back in my arms and kiss her cheeks for about a million times.

"Mama... stop!" Kamaya laughs, squirming happily as I squeeze her once again, for I just can't help it. I love her so damn hard it's insane.

"Okay, okay, I'm stopping." I say, pulling away and stroking her little cheek.

"Where is mom?" she asks now, for she's always glued to Stef, that haven't change. And though some would think that I'm jealous about that, I'm not at all for when I look at them, all I have in my heart is pure love...

"She's in the shower upstairs, didn't you hear the water running?" I ask, for that's a very long shower, maybe she's washing her hair... but that's weird because she washed them yesterday.

"No, I didn't hear anything." Kamaya says as I thrown my eyes.

"Oh mama! Those cupcakes are beautiful, I love them!" Kamaya says happily looking at the table as I smile at her.

"I made them especially for you baby." I say stroking her long curls.

"Thank you!" she says, now herself hugging me.

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