Live For Me

117 10 4

Lena's POV

"Your wife is very lucky. She did have a cardiac arrest in the ambulance and another one in the OR but she's very strong. The impact was very violent, but she got out of it... I mean at this point it's literally a miracle when it comes to her body. She just has her leg broken on two spots and she will have to go to rehab for it, but it won't take that much time to heal. Now her brain... she suffers from a head trauma, in the parietal cortex not too far from the hypothalamus. It is right now under control. However, we decided to put her into an induced coma, just long enough for her hematoma to heal itself. She can't breathe on her own right this moment, but I'm optimistic, I think she's gonna be fine."

The doctor says as I try to concentrate enough to assimilate the bunch of information he just gave me.

"But she... she was bleeding everywhere, there was so much blood, I mean... how..." I question, almost shaking for it was horrifying to see her like this, to see all that blood, her blood...

"It was just scratches from rubbing her skin on the floor, but nothing too deep. I know it must have been impressive to see, but she's doing fine." He reassures, but I still can't get the image out of my head.

"How... how long is she going to be in the coma?" Is all that I can manage to ask by now, because at this point, after all the waiting today I feel like I'm going to explode.

"We don't really know, it could be days, it could be weeks, I mean it really depends on her healing system. But if I were you, I wouldn't be too worried, she's one of the lucky ones." he says as my eyes are burning with tears for that doesn't really help, I want her to be okay, and I want her to be awake, talking to me, screaming at me if she needs to, but I need her to be well alive.

"Can I see her?" I ask for I haven't been allowed to see her since we got here, and it was killing me. I was so scared and seeing her body get hit like that... I don't know how I'm going to erase that image from my brain either.

"Of course. A nurse will take you. You can talk to her; some people say that they could hear things around them. Good luck, Mrs. Adams Foster." he says tapping friendly on my shoulder as a nurse comes to me right away to guide me to my wife's room.

I enter that room and discover Stef, my Stef, plugged to several machines, a tube down her throat and a big cast on one of her legs attached to be suspended up.

When I saw her, I immediately chocked and start sobbing as I approached for I did that. I did that to my baby. If it wasn't for me, she would have never got out of the house so mad and heart broken, and she would have never got hit by a freaking car.

The police say that the woman who was driving was drunk as fuck and that she was probably going to go to jail for they arrested her immediately after this accident. She was way over past the speed limit and that is a very hard pill to swallow as well, for it seems like everything was against Stef that day and I hate it... I hate it with everything in me, and I hate myself too because all of that started with me.

I can realize now how awful I was to her. It took her almost dying for me to realize that I've been neglecting her and taking her for granted. She's there laying into a hospital bed because I let that job get the best of me. I made it a priority when my wife and my daughter should have been...

Kamaya... she's going to be devastated when she'll hear about her mother getting into an accident. She depends on Stef so much; she loves that woman to death and I... I almost took that away from her...

I had to ask Corey's mom to go pick her up from school for I couldn't have her here right now, I have to put myself together first, and mostly I had to wait until the doctor say that Stef was going to survive...

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