Nice Try

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Five months later...

Lena's POV

Five months later, here we are... Stef and I are more in love than ever, we are great, we communicate, we make love. I'm so happy to be back in my room and in that house, it means even more to me. Sleeping next to Stef every night, waking up next to her every morning is something that I can't get enough of... now I can kiss her and hug her whenever I want and she does come to me very often, feeling me up and teasing me from time to time... 

It's true that Stef not remembering caused her old habits to come back sometimes, like the shutting down that we have to work on on a daily basis, but like I said, I'll help her do this work on herself all over again in order for us to work out and enjoy each minute that we can spend together. Especially now that we work together.

We found a local where we can welcome women and children and even queer people in need. What we are doing is so important, and it is hard, the stories that we hear are heartbreaking, and we can't save them all, we can't give a good life to each one of them, but at least we help them a little for the time being. There're so many people that come to us that it's blowing my mind and Stef's. She is very sensitive and sometimes I really have to remind her that boundaries are important in what we do. She wants to do so much more, and I do too, but we simply can't... and I know that it breaks her heart, that she feels powerless in certain situations, and that's when I have to step in and make her understand that she has to separate the job from our life. She's so passionate and devoted to this shelter and I love her for that, she just has to find a balance not to feel bad when she's happy for sometimes she feels guilty to live comfortably and in a loving home, when some people have neither of that...

But we managed though, it's still the beginning, not everything is settled yet, we have some funding to find, and other projects in mind, but in general we are pretty happy with what we accomplished in such a little among of time.

Kamaya for her part is still over the moon about me and Stef being back together, and I can't blame her, for I feel exactly the same. Sure, it's still hard that Stef doesn't remember her life, she still struggles a lot with that exact fact, but most of the time she can push it in the back of her head and enjoy the present with me and her daughter.

Our other kids came visit a little, more than they did before Stef's accident actually. I think they realized that Stef and I are not eternal, they got really scared when Stef was in the coma and now I think they just want to spend as much time as possible with us and I can't be happier because they're my babies, no matter how old they are, to me and to Stef too, they're still as little and sweet and cute as before.

Stef is currently in the kitchen, making Kamaya a little snack while she's watching some TV. And I can't help but look at my now girlfriend, up and down, and she is sexy as fuck... like that ass, I swear to God, is tempting me every damn day, and when we're at work sometimes I feel guilty that I'm thinking about sex randomly when I look at her...

But since right now we're at home, I have no reason to feel guilty and so I can't help but step behind my lover and slide my arms around her curvy body, my hands flat on her stomach and my chin laying on her shoulder as I'm pressed against her.

"Wants some snack too, baby?" Stef says softly as she brings a cracker to my mouth, and I open it to let her feed me as I smile softly. I eat it and them lay a sweet kiss on her cheek, making her smile.

Then I can't help but slide my hands up her front, just to feel the weight of her breasts into my hands, making Stef gasp a little as she's now so distracted that she stops doing what she was doing.

"Love... I can't focus when you do that." she whispers, quite flustered which I love very much as I smile and now kiss on her neck as she squirms a little against my body.

"That's not helping either..." she now moans as I kiss up her neck until I bite on her ear softly while my hands are massaging her breasts sensually.

"Babe, Kamaya is in the living room..." Stef says, trying to focus as she turns around in my arms and put her arms around my waist.

She looks into my eyes so softly and when she looks at me like that, so in love, my heart just melts on the spot and it's very hard not to have this cheesy smile on my face.

"I have a surprise for you tonight, love. So instead of teasing me, you better go pick out a nice outfit." She says as I raise an eyebrow, feeling shy all of the sudden.

"A surprise?" I ask as I can see the spark in her eyes as she strokes my back softly and I can't help but put my arms around her neck.

"Um Um..." she answers as my curiosity was getting the best of me by now.

"What is it?" I ask, pressing my body even more into her, hoping that I will be able to get it out of her if I can seduce her.

"Ha, like I'm going to tell you. You're hot as hell baby, but I'm stronger than that, so no need to try to make me spill it, because I won't." she says with a little grin.

"Are you sure?" I say in a low voice before I press my lips against hers and I kiss her deeply, making her open her mouth for me to slide my tongue into her mouth.

"Mmm..." she moans as my tongue is dancing with hers and I press even more into her as I feel her fingers pressing in my back for the kiss was getting heated and wet.

I could barely breathe by now, so I pull away slowly, her saliva still on my lips so I have to lick my lips, while looking right into her darken eyes.

"No matter how good that was, and trust me it was so fucking good, I'm still not telling you, love. It was a nice try though." She teases even more her surprise, making me want to spank her as I sigh a little and look at her with my cutest look, still comfortably in her arms.

"Oh no, even the poppy eyes won't work, my love." she says before she kisses the tip of my nose softly and then pull away from me, smiling at me, as I sigh again, but still smiling, a bit frustrated, but feeling excited at the same time for now I can't wait for this surprise!

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