Pirate chapter 30

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I was absolutely furious. This was unfair and uncalled for. Why did he lock me in the room again?! I gave up banging on the door and sniffled as I walked over to the bed to lay down. Why was the pirate captain being like this to me.. I literally thought just now we'd be making up and since he's somewhat more healed we'd maybe spend some 'time' together because we haven't since his injury. He's barely kissed me since then too. So I was feeling anxious about it. I loved him.. if he loved me then why..?

I fell asleep. I tried to wait as long as I could but my body needed the rest.

Later on I'm awoken to soft kisses being trailed down my neck. I grumbled and tried to squirm away.

"Don't touch me. I'm extremely angry with you." I mumbled at Shawn and tried to smack at his hands.

"I had to prepare below deck. There's mold down there. I don't want you breathing that in." He tells me.

I turn around to look at him, still glaring. The only light was from the moon through the small porthole. "And for some reason you thought not telling me that and just locking me in the room was a good choice? You are treating me like I just bother you." I grumbled. Not meeting his gaze as its intense on me even in the darkness. Once again he thinks he can just come in here and kiss me thinking I'll just forget about how he treats me during the day around others.

"I'm not stupid. I know you're hiding your true emotions right now. You always act like a jerk when you're hiding something." I went on my eyes started to burn as I felt tears swim.

Shawn sighs. "Princess.. when Tobias told me Jones is at my old home, it put me in a very dark mood. That's where my daughters grave is. Something deep down is telling me he's defiling it to bring her back from the dead as a skin eater to throw me off guard and attack me. I had to take a little bit of time to calm down. I know you want to be around me always, and I normally don't mind, but I've been trying to not act that way around you. So I thought locking you in the room would be okay for you not to see me lose my shit... Opal.. im fucking scared." His voice breaks.

My eyes widen and my eyebrows furrowed.. he was.. he was scared? The dangerous pirate captain.. was scared.. as uneasy as that made me feel, I knew he would be okay.. he needed me.

I scoot closer to him and tug his arms around me, and that's when I notice he's shaking. I bury my face in his chest.

"Nothing bad is going to happen. We will be okay.. I'll be right here with you. So is the crew and now Tobias and his ghouls will be with us too.. we will get your sister back and Jones will fail." I whisper softly. "Don't be scared. You need me as much as I need you."

The captain takes a shakey breath. "You're right, angel.. I'm sorry." He mumbled sadly. He slides his hand to my face and pulls me close up to his and slowly presses his lips to mine in a slow heated kiss.

"I love you so much," he mumbles against my lips.

"I love you too, captain. Quit being an ass." I mumbled and he chuckled.

"Saying naughty words now? I am a bad influence." He smirks and kisses me again, biting at my lip.

"I have always called you an asshole." I giggled as he glared at me in the darkness. "Are you feeling up to being more of a bad influence?" I whisper and slide my hand to carefully trail down his biceps.

His eyes darken and he slides his hand down to my waist. He says nothing else but rolls over and pulls me onto his lap. I squeak as he tugs me down to kiss him.

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