Pirate chapter 5

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The storm was in full rage and the pirate captain and I were holed up in his room. As all the crew were below deck as well. I was whimpering and looking out the tiny porthole seeing nothing but blackness and water hitting it every now and then.

"We're fine, princess. It's going to blow through." Shawn grumbled. "Will you shut the fuck up so I can get some rest. Storms are the only time I can actually sleep." He growled from his office chair. He was leaned back, his feet propped on his desk and hat over his face.

"Well sorry." I huff, lay down on the bed and cover my face with the blanket. He could be a little nicer.. but why would he be? This was also the first time I'd be sleeping with him in the room. Well that I know of anyway.

"Go to bed." He snapped tiredly.

I glare at him from my spot. I was having anxiety and he gets on my nerves. I was squirming in bed causing the springs to crackle and pop, and Shawn growled; irritated.

"Move the fuck over." He spoke and got up abruptly, walking over to the bed.

"W-what do you mean?" I squeak fearfully and look up at him, but scoot back.

He sits next to me and lays down. "You're scared, yes? Would you feel better with a murderous pirate captain next to you?" He mumbled. Well I mean no but-

"I-I..." I trembled. My heart pounds in my chest and my face burns embarrassed.

He doesn't say anything else but lays back and pulls the blanket over us before pulling me down next to him. "Go to bed." He grumbled. "I missed my bed.." he sighed and turned so he didn't face me.

I pout, but I shyly laid back and pressed my back against his.. it did feel a little better with him next to me.


"Shut up. Go to sleep princess." He growled half asleep already. Cranky.

"Thank you.." I whisper and close my eyes.

I woke up face first in something warm, my leg tossed over and it's quiet no longer storming. I hear snoring and I peak an eye open shawn has me pulled against him his arms around me tightly as he sleeps. He was warm.. and strong and - My face turned beet red. I examine his face, his eyes are lightly closed, lashes splay across his cheeks. Black makeup smeared on his eyes still. His jet black hair sticking to his forehead.. his lips.. My heart thudded. I was a princess. I never have laid with a man before.. and I most certainly should'nt be having these feelings for my captor. He was mean. And I still didn't know what was going to happen to me. I was feeling very confused..

I squirm awkwardly and Shawn growled getting up. He's such a light sleeper.. I suppose he has to be..

"The one time I get restful sleep.." he grumbled seeming displeased I woke him up. "I need to do rounds. Check damage." He sighed and stood up pulling on his boots and coat. I blushed as he adjusted his bandana and put on his hat. After a few moments he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you staring at?" He smirked.

"Nothing. You hogged the bed." I huff and roll over not to face him. I hear his footsteps get closer.. he leans his hands on the bed and his lips are at my ear and I feel his warm breath causing me to shiver.

"Oh did I?.." he growled low. "It's my bed, love." He whispered. "You look good in it though." He stated and pulled back to wink at me.

I squeaked and looked at him he was grinning.

"You are so full of yourself." I grumbled but the heat flooded my cheeks as he stared at me.

Shawn snorted. "I'm a pirate, princess."

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