Chapter 10

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The sound of rustling rain was pounding on the roof of the car, the cold wind was blowing outside, and the surrounding fields were silent. But inside the car, it was as warm as spring, with a different kind of peace and tranquility, which made Qi Yueming relax her whole body and mind at this moment.

A tall paper cup with a seal was handed over to him, and he turned his head in surprise.

"Milk." Mu Cheng said.

He took it and held the cup in his hands, his hands suddenly felt warmer.

Mu Cheng picked up another cup and took a few sips himself. Qi Yueming looked at the label and saw that he was drinking milk tea.

"There are still two cups of milk tea. Please help me pass it to Assistant Xu and the others." It was inconvenient for Mu Cheng to drive.

Qi Yueming took the milk tea from him and handed it to the two of them, feeling slightly moved in her heart.

He was the only one with milk, and this person... bought it for him alone?

"Is it still cold?" Mu Cheng interrupted his thoughts.

"It's not cold anymore." He had already warmed up in the car, and after drinking hot milk, he wasn't cold at all.

The person next to me nodded and handed over another cardboard box.

"Cake." Mu Cheng said, "It's made of pumpkin. The store said it won't make you fat."

Qi Yueming's eyes lit up. He was already hungry. He thanked him, took it and opened it quickly. The sweetness melted in his mouth, as if there were flowers blooming silently in the spring rain.

While eating the cake, he looked at the people around him from time to time, and thoughts filled his heart.

As they drove into the city, Qi Yueming, who had worked hard all day, had already fallen asleep leaning on the back of his chair.

Xu Qing whispered to Mu Cheng: "Xiao Mu, you live on the same floor as Yue Ming, right? Can you please send him off while I get off first?" His home is nearby, and he will send people home. There is really no need to come back by yourself.

Mu Cheng agreed.

After a while, the driver also got off along the way.

Mu Cheng looked at the sleeping people beside him and tried to drive the car as steadily as possible.

Back at his residence, in the garage, he got out of the car and walked to the passenger side, opened the door, looked at the sleeping face, and paused slightly with his hand trying to wake him up.

Under the dim light, her long eyelashes cast reflections under her closed eyes. She was sleeping so soundly that no one could bear to disturb her.

He got back into the car.

Qi Yueming had a sweet dream of spring flowers blooming, and her whole body was warm, until she slowly opened her eyes and found that she was still in the car.

The back of the chair had been put down, and it looked like a small bed. No wonder he slept so comfortably. He raised his arms again and found that he was covered with a coat, wrapping his whole body tightly.

This coat... belongs to Mu Cheng.

Looking around again, I saw the person in the driver's seat, with his arms folded and his eyes closed against the back of the seat, also asleep.

Qi Yueming pulled up his collar and looked at the people around him in the quiet, dark car.

As soon as he moved, the people around him opened their eyes.

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