Chapter 191-195

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Chapter 191

The age difference between the two Qin brothers is almost twenty years. Many people know that he disappeared for fifteen years. Everyone also knows that he only came back suddenly and became the new leader of the Qin family as soon as he arrived. This is all No one can imagine it.

Family businesses may have rules for inheritance, but in this age, there shouldn't be distinctions between elders and younger ones. Shouldn't those who have the ability get the job?

Qin Zhizhou turned the tide back then and single-handedly kept the Qin family. His ability was obvious to all. What's more, it was because of his leadership in recent years that the Qin family became a leader in the industry.

They didn't believe that Qin Zhihai, who had been away for fifteen years, would have the ability to serve as president when he arrived.

However, it was just a substitution.

The outside world has speculated: "Isn't this Qin Zhizhou's initiative to give up his position?"


Many people are paying attention to the Qin family. The Qin family has a great business and no change can be seen in a short period of time. The eldest brother of the Qin family has mostly made no achievements and has not made much noise.

As for Qin Zhizhou, he has never been seen in business exchanges. He has not held other positions in the Qin family. Even internal employees have never seen him again.

Mu Cheng also found this change in the Qin family unbelievable: "Qin Zhizhou is some kind of divine saint. He has gone through all the troubles to keep the Qin family. He has worked hard for so many years, and he just gave up!"

He called Qin Zhizhou several times, as if tit for tat, but no one answered.

He asked Wang Qi to ask the eldest brother of the Qin family when he was talking to Qin. The other party said that his younger brother wanted to go out for a walk, maybe on vacation abroad, and they would not be disturbed and they could not contact him.

He also asked Qin Li to find him. Qin Li said the same thing as Qin Zhihai. It was his brother-in-law who said he wanted to go abroad for vacation, but he didn't know where he was now.

If so, then we have to give up.

It has been more than two months since the Qin family changed.

It was rare that Mu Cheng had no work that night, so he was called out to play by Chen Yuntian.

It's been almost a year since Mu Cheng retired from the industry, but this on-screen couple is still talked about by everyone.

Chen Yuntian was still filming. He signed a contract with Xingyue and bought shares. Naturally, he also knew Mu Cheng's true identity. He was not only the boss of Xingyue, but also the boss of the most powerful company, Yulin.

He is also an actor now and has participated in some variety shows and has many fans.

He wanted to avoid people when he went out, so he chose a relatively remote clubhouse. It was not the very high-end business club they had always gone to. It was best to have a casual class reunion. It was an ordinary clubhouse, and a dozen or so college classmates came. Now everyone went their separate ways. , some have entered the entertainment industry, and some have engaged in other industries, and there are very few opportunities to get together.

They are all still a group of young people, in their twenties, thirties or fourteens.

Others didn't know Mu Cheng's current identity. When they met, they all felt sorry for him. He was a good actor who could have been a star, but why did he suddenly withdraw from the industry.

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