Chapter 101-105

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Chapter 101

After returning home with Gu Congyuan, the professor didn't sleep at night and was catching up on his sleep. Mu Cheng was walking in the living room.

001 asked: "Host, what is the next plan?"

Mu Cheng sat on the sofa: "No."

He really didn't think of a way for a while, so he just stayed there for now and there was no rush.

Gu Congyuan still didn't wake up after wandering around until noon. With nothing to do, he wandered into the kitchen and looked at the vegetables in the refrigerator. After thinking about it, he decided to help him cook a meal so that he could eat it as soon as he woke up.

Gu Congyuan woke up at two o'clock in the afternoon. He was woken up by hunger. He walked to the kitchen with half-closed eyes and took out the freshly heated food. After eating for a while, his taste buds were awakened and he suddenly woke up.

He slowly put down his chopsticks and looked at the food in front of him quietly.

Mu Cheng sat opposite him and was originally interested in watching him eat, but the other party stopped.

Gu Congyuan stared at the food silently. After a while, he got up and went to the kitchen to check, and then made a few phone calls to ask some of his better friends if they had been to his house.

His friends denied it, and he put down his phone and continued staring at the meal.

Even though he had a lot of reasons, he couldn't seem to explain where the hot food on the table came from. He stood up and wandered for a few steps, stopped to look, wandered for a few more steps, and stopped to look again.

Finally, he tapped his forehead, went into the bedroom and went to sleep again.

He suspected that he had not woken up.

Mu Cheng smiled at him and took advantage of this moment to wash the dishes and chopsticks for him and put them back in their place.

Two hours later, Gu Congyuan woke up again and looked at the dining table for the first time. It was empty and there was nothing. His expression relaxed. He might have really not woken up in the afternoon.

However, it was as if I could actually taste the delicious food in my dream.

In the evening, Gu Congyuan didn't have dinner at home. He filled the trunk of his car with gifts and drove to a nursing home in Sanhaiwai to deliver things. This is something he does every holiday. His adoptive parents took him there when he was a child. Now he is alone. People go.

Mu Cheng originally didn't want to go with him and planned to make some late-night snacks at home to wait for him. However, before leaving, he saw a dark cloud hanging over Gu Congyuan's head.

Only evil spirits or people in Xuanmen can see the luck. Gu Congyuan may be in trouble today. His life should not end at this time, but even if the plot has been written, it does not prevent accidents.

He followed anyway, and when he got to the nursing home, he knew why Gu Congyuan was in trouble today. The old man who lived in a room at the end of the nursing home died in the morning.

But he remembered the world and refused to leave. No one found out that he was dead, and he didn't know it himself. He continued to do morning exercises, sing, bask in the sun, and dance square dances with others.

He had no children, so Gu Congyuan would bring him many things every time he went there and take care of him the most. Before he died, he had been knitting a sweater for Gu Congyuan. The old man moved slowly, knitting from winter to summer. I was still knitting after I died today, and I had just finished it when Gu Congyuan arrived. In order to make him happy, Gu Congyuan wore this sweater vest on him in the middle of summer.

Flowers of high mountains, don't fall from the altar! (quick wear)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ