Chapter 84 The young city lord on the screen (1)

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Needless to say 001 this time, there is an introduction to the protagonist at the bottom of the screen.

Lin Fengxun, the young lord of Shuangyue City, was originally a ray of immortal energy born from heaven and earth. He went to the human world to experience tribulations. After going through tribulations, he defeated the demon king and protected the people of the area. After completing his merits, he returned to heaven and earth.

This is the original background setting of the game, a very simple story, but since it is a rescue mission, something went wrong.

001 added: "I don't know if there is a problem with the game program or something, but there is an anomaly in the data during development and testing, which shows that Lin Fengxun accidentally rescued the demon king, and was eventually possessed by the demon king, lost his mind, and massacred a whole city of people. He was punished by being thrown into the realm of chaos forever, and suffered pain through his heart every day.

Reversing the abnormal data and helping Lin Fengxun successfully pass the level is to complete the mission. Be careful not to let it be used by the demon king. The demon king has many vests, so the host needs to be careful. "

Mu Cheng nodded and asked, "What does it mean to go through disasters?"

"Ah, he came down to earth to experience calamity. Those who fight monsters and upgrade must suffer a little." 001 said.

Mu Cheng asked again: "When merits and virtues return to heaven and earth, how can they return?"

"He was originally a wisp of immortal energy in heaven and earth. After his merits and deeds were completed, he turned into immortal energy again."

Mu Cheng didn't say anything anymore. He clicked on the settings to see how the game played. In the screen, in the courtyard, the villain yawned after landing and went into the house to sleep.

Go to sleep......

The villain lay down on the bed, took off his shirt, spread out the quilt, and quickly closed his eyes.

The bedroom was quite large, with a candle burning.

Mu Chengcai noticed that the world in the game was also night, maybe that world was the same as real time.

He clicked on the villain's face, but the villain didn't move. The screen prompted: [Your Xunxun baby has fallen asleep, please do not disturb it. ]

He clicked a little more, and there was still this reminder in the white box at the bottom of the screen.

He did a little experiment and moved the little man's arms and legs, as well as the bedding and clothes, but there was no response.

It seems that it can only be controlled through the control interface, but there is no way to touch him directly.

Also, if he could bump into her at will, it would disturb the villain's life.

The game setting is to help him pass the level, not to pass it himself. The villain is a villain, not a puppet controlled by him. He cannot force the villain to do anything.

Mu Cheng then pulled the cabinet drawer and it could be opened in the control interface, but there would be no movement for a villain.

He looked for settings and wanted to change the time to daytime and let the villain get up to do tasks, but there was no place in the game where he could change the time.

The time on the phone can also be adjusted. He opened the time settings and moved the time displayed on the phone back to nine in the morning.

But it's still dark in the game.

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