Chapter 82

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Ji Tingshu entered the palace gate and was led to the side hall.

The main hall is dark, and the curtains float like ghosts. This is not a place for discussion, but a temporary resting place for the emperor.

The sound of footsteps approaching behind the curtain made Ji Tingshu slowly look back.

"Princess Huai's plain clothes are very beautiful." The visitor opened the curtain and walked in, taking off his beaded dragon robe. The emperor, who was only wearing ordinary clothes, also seemed to have taken off his mask. There was a hint of pride in his eyebrows, and his eyes were predatory. .

Ji Tingshu took a step back, shocked for a moment, and then thought about it several times. The emperor's heart is unpredictable, but it is not incredible if he thinks about it carefully.

The emperor approached him, and he stepped back. Behind him were the pillars of the court, and the curtains beside him were moving in the wind.

The person in front of him was approaching step by step. He leaned against the pillars of the courtyard and was trapped in a corner.

People were wandering outside the palace, the guards on night patrol were walking around, and the palace people on duty at night were coming and going.

Deep in the palace, it is impossible to escape even with wings.

He raised his eyes to look at the person in front of him, his eyes were cold and unwavering, as if he was not looking at a person, but just an ordinary object.

The emperor's eyes were crimson, and his eyes seemed sad and crazy, but there seemed to be some sincerity in them, and he said angrily: "Why aren't you afraid?"

Ji Tingshu flashed a sarcastic smile: "I don't care."

"Don't care?" The emperor was angry.

Ji Tingshu stopped replying. He smiled with a smile that was mocking, contemptuous, and disdainful, but without fear.

The emperor became more and more annoyed. The feeling of being slighted made him embarrassed. He would rather he resist and begged: "Are you really not afraid of me at all?"

Ji Tingshu said nothing and had no other expression, only that sarcastic smile.

The emperor looked even more sad.

Don't care, yes, don't care, no matter what he did today, this person doesn't care, he won't even give him a look.

A strong sense of frustration arose spontaneously. He staggered back two steps and hit the table. The cup on it shook and made a crisp sound. He felt it was harsh. He turned around and swept it with his sleeve. The cup fell to the ground and broke into pieces. He raised his eyes. , laughed again.

"So what if I don't care. Anyway, King Huai is dead and you can't escape." He threw off his coat and stepped forward.

The lights outside the palace suddenly turned on, and the footsteps in the corridor became urgent. Someone knocked on the door in a hurry: "Your Majesty, King Huai entered the city gate. He... is not dead."

The emperor stopped in astonishment.

He hasn't even touched Ji Tingshu's clothes yet!

Ji Tingshu turned around, his eyes twinkling.

The emperor probably couldn't accept it. He stood frozen without opening the door. Someone else knocked on the door and said in a very urgent tone: "Your Majesty, please order the dispatch of troops immediately."

While the man was talking, he simply knocked on the door and walked in. It was the old prime minister who was a veteran of the three dynasties. When he saw Ji Tingshu, he was startled and a little confused. He didn't know why he was here. After thinking about it for a moment, his eyes lit up and he said : "Your Majesty, quickly, take him to the tower."

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