Chapter 73

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The little cat stared for dawn.

When there were footsteps in the outer hall, Ji Tingshu got up and went to pull up the prince's curtains. The servants also came in to wait on him.

The past few days have been quiet, and the prince is still happy, climbing trees to catch birds, going into the water to catch fish, and playing with a feather for a long time. Ji Tingshu wants to take the feather and tease Mu Cheng, but it just dangles in front of Mu Cheng's eyes, little kitten The old god is there, not moving at all.

It actually attracted the prince and chased the feather around.

Ji Tingshu rubbed his eyes, suspecting that he was hallucinating again.

Recently, fish has been seen on the dining table in the house a lot. The prince only ate fish at the previous meal, but the servants have a keen eye and will often cook fish in the future.

By the way, the prince did not use chopsticks to eat the fish, he just started eating it very cleanly, with the fish meat removed and the bones intact. Even a person with a normal mind would not be able to eat it so completely.

Although the prince is stupid, he still has this talent.

Oh, he also reacted very quickly. If something shook and flickered, he would rush over to it.

The prince loves to eat fish, but the kitten doesn't eat much, and doesn't eat the food specially made for it. It eats whatever people eat.

Slowly, Ji Tingshu discovered that the prince was actually quite cute. Sometimes he would smile knowingly when he saw him climbing up and down.

But with such cuteness, he still felt that he was looking at a small animal, which seemed disrespectful to the prince, but he couldn't get rid of this feeling in his heart.

When he faced Jinghong, he would occasionally feel that it looked like a human being, but when facing the prince, he only felt that he looked like an animal.

The prince could not speak and could only make strange meowing sounds. The sounds were made by humans and were not so cat-like. Ji Tingshu had no doubts about anything.

The prince is very cute and obedient. What he was worried about at the beginning did not happen. The prince never thought of sleeping with him, and he barely communicated with him. He would run around the yard during the day and sleep when he came back at night.

Ji Tingshu slowly let down his guard and slept comfortably with a soft couch in the bedroom. Every night the prince slept on the bed, and he slept on the soft couch with the cat in his arms.

Although it is quiet, if your heart is not peaceful, then it will be boring to only act in this corner.

The only comfort is that Jinghong can say all his words to Jinghong. He can see the appreciation, pity, care and other expressions in Jinghong's eyes. Sometimes he feels that he thinks too much, but even though he thinks too much, I think it's a comfort.

However, Jinghong seems to be very busy and sometimes can't find it during the day.

In that lively market, there was a restaurant that had just opened. The shopkeeper stood behind the screen in the side room and asked, "Do you have any other instructions?"

There was the sound of grinding ink behind the screen. After a moment, a little white cat came out with a piece of paper in its mouth and handed it to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper knew that their boss was mysterious. He never showed up or spoke. He only explained things to them on paper and used a small kitten as a messenger. Once, the shopkeeper was curious and walked past the screen to see the boss' honor, but there was no window there. Opening it, the person disappeared, leaving only the kitten looking back at him.

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