Chapter 56 : Teaching to the core

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July 15 th
Taehyung POV

I found myself at Jungkook's place in a desperate attempt to clear my concepts of math and English. We had been studying for what felt like an eternity, but the concepts continued to go past my brain.

I have passed my graduation and now it was time for entrance exams. Jungkook was tutoring me to be ready for it.

"It's wrong." Jungkook said circling my answer with disappointment.

I nodded and made another attempt, hoping for a different outcome.

"Wrong again." he sighed, clearly frustrated.

Taking the notes from his hand, I mustered up the determination to try once more. But before I could start, Jungkook interjected with a disheartening comment.

"Wrong, love." he uttered, as if exasperated.

"What the heck? I can't do this anymore." I grumbled, feeling exhausted.

"I just taught you, and you've already forgotten. Do it again. Honestly, your memory is worse than of a goldfish." he grumbled sarcastically.

His words stung like lemon juice on a paper cut. Oh, how I much i wanted to stuff a sock in his mouth and deliver a satisfying punch to his smug face.

Suppressing my frustration, I took the notes back and erased my previous answers. This time, I made a conscious effort to understand the provided examples before trying the questions myself.

While I was drowning in a sea of math problems, Jungkook seemed more interested in listening to his favorite tunes. At that moment, I wanted to throttle him.

Why did he have to be so much smarter than me? I wanted to excel in something, at least surpass Jungkook in some area. But his intelligence was unbeatable. He had effortlessly captured my weak spot, math, and I was terrible at it.

I wondered what Jungkook's weakness might be, hoping to find an opportunity to tease him about it. But i think that he have none.

"Jungkook?" I called out in a bored tone.

"Yes, love?" he replied, tearing his gaze away from his phone.

Without hesitation, I threw my notes at him, watching intently as he examined them. A proud smile spread across his face as he scanned the pages, much to my surprise. I couldn't help but grin, finally feeling proud. I had understood Math!

"Is it right?" I asked eagerly.

"Well... all the calculations are wrong, but you've grasped the formulas at least. I'm proud of you, my boy." he said, pinching my cheek.

Wait a minute. Did he just call me my boy ? I still got the calculations wrong, but I had managed to learn something from it.

Satisfied with my small victory, I decided I was done. No more minutes wasted studying math. Nonchalantly, I started packing my notes into my bag.

"You still haven't written the essay. Where do you think you're going?" Jungkook grabbed my wrist firmly.

"I'll practice it later. There's plenty of time left for the entrance exam." I retorted with a pout.

"No. Do it now. There's no 'later.' You soon would have an exam by the end of this week and time is running out, Taehyung." he asserted firmly.

Ugh, he rarely called me by my full name, only when he meant business. When he was in a good mood or teasing me, he'd just call me Tae, which I enjoy And when he was absolutely over the moon, he'd affectionately call me as "love," a term that never failed to take my breath away.

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