Chapter 37 : Being in the present.

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April 15th
Taehyung POV

*One month later*

I settled into the chair, absentmindedly chewing on my pen. My head was pounding, these headaches were only getting worse. Nervousness gripped me tightly as today was the day we received our examination results. Hoseok and I were gathered at Jimin's house.

Luckily, the results were going to be declared online which is a relief to me. Back in junior high school, the parent-teacher meetings used to be nerve-wracking affairs, filled with risk.

I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anxiety. This outcome would define whether I would achieve my freedom or be held under Martha's control forever. If my grades turned out poorly, she would taunt me for my whole life.

On another note, Soohee had been really happy lately, and I can't understand the reason behind her sudden joy. She smiles three times a day now.  Maybe her working life was going well?

Hoseok waved his hands in front of me, sensing my stress. "Are you okay ?" he asked with concern. I shook my head.

"Not really." I admitted. I turned my gaze to Jimin, who had his laptop resting on his lap. "Has the results come out yet?" I asked him.

"Not yet." Jimin replied.

"God, I'm so worried about my grades. I don't know how I-"

"You claim not to believe in fortune tellers, still you're predicting your own future. How will you ever live in the present if you keep fearing tomorrow?" Hoseok interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, here comes the philosopher." Jimin chuckled.

"Thanks, hyung. I'll try but you don't know Martha." I sighed.

"And you don't know karma. She'll reap what she sows." Hoseok reassured me, patting my hand.

"Oh, the results are here, guys! Come over!" Jimin suddenly screamed, almost startling me to death.

Both Hoseok and I rushed over to his laptop. Jimin quickly searched for our results, and then--

"Hoseok hyung, you passed with 45%, and I passed with... whoa, 50%, and we didn't even study!" Jimin shouted with joy, hugging Hoseok tightly.

"Calm down. Now, tell me mine." I urged, my heart racing. Jimin grasped my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine, as we searched for my result together.

"Prepare yourself; I'm about to click on it. Three, two--"

"Oh God, wait! Can you count to at least tw-?" I pleaded.

"Twenty?" Jimin asked.

"Two hundred." I blurted out.

"Oi, are you that scared? Just click right now, Jimin," Hoseok said impatiently.

He clicked on the result as I shut my eyes tightly, feeling the weight of my overthinking consuming me. In that moment, I silently repeated Hoseok's words in my mind. Whatever happened, I would need to face it head-on anyway.

"Taehyung, you..." Jimin whispered, drawing out the suspense, causing my heart to dance in horror.

"W-what?" I stammered, my anxiety at its peak.

"Bestie, you passed with 87%. Period." he announced, throwing his body over mine in a tight embrace. Hoseok joined in, creating a warm group hug that lasted for a minute.

"You did it." Hoseok beamed.

"Damn, too many good news!" I said bursting into laughter and giggles.

"I've got some good news too, guys. Yoongi and I are going on a date today," Jimin shared and my mind had already drifted to Jungkook.

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