Chapter 12 : Loving you is like having a beautiful wound.

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January 14th
Taehyung POV

"Hey, remember that message I sent you earlier? I wanted to talk about what went down yesterday." said Jimin, grinning mischievously.

"What happened?" I asked, curious about his excitement.

"One of the hot girls from the Mean group asked for Hoseok hyung's number and even winked at me! Can you believe it? She was so hot, and she-" Jimin exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Listen, jimin , listen." I interrupted.

"What is it ?" he asked, looking a bit puzzled.

"I don't care." I declared, placing my things on the desk.

Jimin groaned, disappointed by my lack of enthusiasm, and left the classroom. He probably went to annoy someone else.

Hoseok placed his bag beside me but suddenly as if panicking turned to something his phone.

"Can I sit here?" I looked up to see Yumi approaching. I used to have a crush on her back in junior high, but then Jungkook came into the picture, and I eventually lost interest.

He didn't let me hang out with anyone after we became friends, and I now understand why.

I glanced at Hoseok, who was about to sit with me. "Sure, it's fine. Let her sit here. I was going to sit with Jimin anyway." Hoseok offered, taking his bag and stepping away.

"Yeah, go ahead." I nodded, granting her permission.

Yumi smiled slyly and landed her bottom onto my lap, causing my eyes to widen in embarrassment. I looked at her, feeling uncomfortable, while she glanced back for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Relax, I was just messing with you." she chuckled, clearly enjoying having made me squirm.

Some people just don't know the meaning of personal space.

"Please, never do that again. I don't like being touched." I politely added. However, she ignored my request and brushed it off with laughter.

Soon, Professor Goodwin entered the room, and we greeted him. He hadn't changed a bit-sharp and intimidating. He placed his books on the table.

"I have some good news. The school's 10th anniversary is coming up, and we have planned a special program. Would any of you like to join and participate in one of the plays?" he announced.

Acting in a play? No way. I have zero talent for play acting, and besides, my dad and stepmom might be in attendance. I don't want to face their harsh judgment.

Yumi raised her hand, and the class applauded, including me. She would indeed shine in a play. She's pretty, petite, adorable, and, dare I say cringy too.

"Taehyung and I would participate." she declared confidently. My clapping abruptly stopped as I heard her statement. I tried to tug her hand to stop her, but she didn't stopped at all.

"Alright, I'll add both of your names to the list." Professor Goodwin affirmed, his face expressionless. Yumi settled back in her seat, wearing a smile as if she had achieved something great.

Bumpy Ride | Taekook ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon