Chapter 1 : Unexpected Turns.

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December 25th
Taehyung POV  

I woke up at 6 am in the morning because I was filled with happiness and excitement. I felt elated as I slipped on my slippers and eagerly ran to the window. Light snowflakes were delicately falling, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"It's snowing!" I exclaimed with joy.

Hastily, I grabbed my jacket and dashed out of my room, heading towards my cousin's place. I knocked repeatedly, but there was no response.

"Oh, please open the door." I pleaded desperately. Eventually, I heard a sigh, and the door unlocked to reveal my cousin in his most messy form.

"Happy Christmas, Yoongi." I greeted him with a jump. "And I turned 17 today!" He yawned, his eyes half-open, appearing as if he might fall asleep any moment.

"Is that why you woke me up?" he grumbled with annoyance, while I nodded enthusiastically. He rolled his eyes in response.

"Come on, Yoongi, you're always sleepy." I said, but he abruptly closed the door in my face. What a jerk.

Downstairs, I bounded with excitement and giggles, only to discover that my stepmom and dad had already left. It wasn't anything new.

The only thing my father ever cared about was his girlfriend's phone numbers.

Sadness washed over me when I realized that everyone had left without even wishing me a happy birthday. Even Soohee had left. She's my other cousin, Yoongi's sister.

Tears began welling up in my eyes. I miss my mom.

Is this what my life is going to be like?

Ever since my mom passed away, I've always felt lonely, and no one has been able to fill that void. My entire childhood slipped away without my mother.

I sat at the dining table, staring at the sweets and dishes, but nothing brought any excitement.

I reached for the locket I wore, which once belonged to my mom, and closed my eyes, trying to find some peace until...

"Is something wrong, Mr. Kim?" It was Gabriella, our maid. She's actually really beautiful. I often find myself wondering why she's here and not strutting on a runway.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about my mom and dad." I replied, as she approached and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Mr. Kim, your parents left you a note. Don't be sad and happy birthday." she said with a sweet smile, handing me the note.

I found the note to be rather silly. It read, "Happy birthday and Merry Christmas, my dear one. We apologize for not being able to wish you in person, as we're busy with work."

Seriously? How hard would it have been for them to come to my room and wish me? I crumpled the note and handed it back to Gabriella.

"It must have taken too much of their time to write such a long essay for me. Please give it back to them." I said, annoyance evident in my voice.

"Don't be sad. It's your birthday, and isn't your friend coming?" she smiled.

Those words brought a glimmer of joy to me. It's Jungkook, the one person with whom I am happy nowadays. We met by chance last Christmas, and he was the only one who bothered to wish me a happy birthday like no one did.

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