Clever Old Man

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Clever Old Man

It was a long wait for Ethan, he hadn’t seen his tiny husband for over twenty-four hours. He could only imagine what might be the situation inside the room and although Ethan had a pretty good idea, his heart weeps helpless tears just with the imagination of his tiny husband’s condition behind that closed room.

Ethan was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t register how much time had passed. It was until he felt a large, warm hand over his shoulder.

Ethan raised his head to look up and found Mr smith looking down at him with a somewhat tired expression.

Maybe he couldn’t sleep as well.

“you should get ready son……… it's almost five thirty now” Mr Smith reminded Ethan of the time as he patted his shoulder with encouragement.

Ethan nodded his head dejected as if he didn’t want to proceed with whatever was to come.

“Have you made up your mind about who is going to accompany you?” Ethan looked at his father and thought for a moment. He hasn’t decided yet but it was so simple who should accompany him in this nerve-wracking task.

“I was hoping you?.....and father maybe” Mr Smith smiled tiredly at his son, pulling away his hand from his shoulder only to rub his face.

“There is no question about me coming with you. I am always ready with whatever you need” Ethan was thankful for his father, Mr smith was always ready and a step ahead when his only child needed him.

“And I think Darcy will come along too……he would go to any length and at any cost if it involves his son. After he has lost Hannah, I can understand him” There was sadness in his words and Ethan could only nod in agreement.

Mr Williams has lost his life partner of many years, the man loved his wife more than his life and the Smith family was the witness to that along with others. Ethan has seen Mr William tormenting after he was alone and Ethan could understand from his deepest feelings.

He could never imagine a life which doesn’t have Ian in it.

“you should get ready, I will meet you with Darcy at the door in twenty?” Mr smith broke the chain of Ethan’s thoughts and Ethan nodded reluctantly.

He was tired of going through these situations.

“Don’t worry son, everything will be okay” Mr Smith patted his shoulder and Ethan wanted to cling to those words desperately.

Was anything really going to be okay?

He asked himself as he moved to get ready.


Mr Williams, Mr Smith and Ethan drove around in circles at their old location. It took them almost forty-five minutes till they could even manage to find that vacant street where the mansion was standing tall.

Dark, alone and abandoned.

Mr William was really surprised to see the mansion he had in his neighbourhood that he didn’t know about at all. He had never seen the location before and never heard about it from Ian as well.

The fact that his son has visited this place along with Julian made Mr William scared. A sudden bad impression of Julian crossed his mind but he never let that thought exceed.

It was no point anyway; Julian was not present in their life at the moment.

Or so he thought.

Ethan parked his car at a little distance from the mansion and the trio sat there watching the dark structure with wide, uncertain eyes. 

The Black Figure (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें