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Abigail was excited after what she got from the church. she descended the stairs with a certain joy that nobody around her could feel. after exiting the church, the first stop she made was at the bakery Ian loved sweets from.

With glinting eyes, she scanned new arrivals and asked to pack a few. While waiting, Abigail felt eyes on her as if someone is watching her with keen interest. She looked around once or twice but found nothing. She shrugged. Besides, she was pretty sure that with the holy object in her grasp, there was nothing that can harm her.

After getting what she came for, Abigail went to the station to get to the smith’s house. All the way to her destination, the feeling of being watched never left her. She muttered prayers and recited some holy verses she had memorized over the years to get her attention away from the creepy feelings.


Ian was laying on the living room sofa. He was placed there by his loving husband who was busy in talking on the phone as he walked around him. He would glance at Ian from time to time to see the younger’s eyes following him around.

Ethan smiled at Ian but the boy didn’t reciprocate it, simply looking down at his lap but when Ethan went on with his call, Ian resumed staring at the older once again.

At some point, Ethan muted the call before approaching the younger who was trying not to get caught but at the same time wasn’t even preventing it.

“don’t go anywhere, baby. I will be back in a minute yeah?” Ethan said and Ian nodded absentmindedly. He wasn’t focused on Ethan anymore, his eyes caught a glimpse of something dark darting from his left to the kitchen at the speed of light. Before he could utter an uncomfortable sound, the glimpse of that unnatural being was gone.

Ethan placed a firm kiss on his forehead before leaving but to his relief and alarm, the front door opened and Abigail emerged in a drenched coat in her hand. It was then Ethan looked outside the window to notice how heavily it was raining.

Mind now in peace, Ethan paced towards the spare room which he had tuned into his workspace till Ian gets good.

Abigail marched towards the kitchen after hanging her coat on the rack to dry it out until the time she had to leave. She busied herself with keeping an eye over the oblivious-looking boy sitting in the living room.

Once she was done with her chores, Abigail walked out drying her hands over her skirt and holding the box of goodies she got for Ian. She paced closer until she was standing right in the middle of the living room with only a few feet of gap between Ian and her.

Ian didn’t look at her at first but when she cleared her throat, he glanced at her. Abigail saw how empty Ian looked, his eyes were losing hope and his body was getting frailer. She pitied the younger boy but now that she had a solution, she smiled triumphantly.

“do you still like these?” she asked placing the box in front of Ian and then opening it to reveal many coloured sweets with different toppings.

Ian didn’t reply, he stared at her and then at the box. He liked those and still does but he wasn’t sure he wanted them or not. Nonetheless, he started contemplating his decision. The woman smiled at him kneeling at Ian’s level and placed a hand over his knee.

“you shouldn’t do it, it’s not good for you” Ian mumbled loud enough for Abigail to look at him astounded making Ian look down. She pressed the urge to smile wide at Ian’s dialogue with her for a long time but failed to notice Ian was warning her.

“you know, I think there is an evil spirit in this house. Something that is restless.” Abigail told the younger in a whispering tone as if it was the biggest secret.

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