Pancakes and Omelettes

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Pancakes and Omelettes

Ian was the first to wake up. Blinking his eyes open he stared at his surroundings. The life was changed so was the room. It was not the same room he had in which he could wake up even blindly and do his routines. The room was now dark with dark colour and theme.

How his life has changed in mere days. From his room to his husband's house wow. He was amazed yet nervous about the happenings. How will he manage something like this? Responsibility of being a husband. should he manage things like a good wife or should he be himself? What are the duties required to be a husband, and how should he manage? Should he wake his husband like a dutiful wife, pick out his suit for the day and make him breakfast? Should he kiss his husband goodbye and then welcome him back with a glass of water?

It was a lot for his mind. In his turmoil, Ian looked around and then his eyes landed on his own self. His head rested over the tight muscles of his husband's chest, legs tangled with the older and his hands curled between them.

Absentmindedly, Ian raised his hand and traced the muscles of the older's chest. From his broad chest to his navel. Touching lightly over the well-defined abs, Ian smiled at his possession and hugged his torso tightly. The earlier tension vanished into thin air. Small breaths were creating Goosebumps over the skin of the older and Ian was witnessing with a teasing smile.

He raised his head a little while placing his palm flat over Ethan's chest. Blowing lightly over the skin he giggled when the muscle under him contracted with pleasure. He was enjoying himself. Being the only one awake and taking his time without being shy was pleasurable to him.

His breath hitched when he accidentally roamed his eyes and got locked with Ethan who was wide awake and with his tense gaze as he was watching Ian doing his ministration.

The younger one was almost on top of the older one. he tried to get away but Ethan wasn't having it. He tightened his embrace around Ian and seized him in his arms. Ian was blooming pink by now and his eyes wandering anywhere but not on Ethan.

" you are a..awake?" he asked with his eyes planted down, being not able to look at him.

"long enough," he said in his low morning voice ending shivers down Ian's spine.

"I...I am sorry; id..didn't mean to wake up" Ian said while blushing hard. His tone is so submissive doing things with Ethan's heart.

"Mm. I don't think I can forgive for this; my sleep is very important to me" said Ethan with a teasing smile. Ian was able to get the point by now. He was being teased back for his earlier actions.

"what can I do?" he asked without hesitation, already giving up.

"Hmmm. Let's see what can I ask....." Ethan made a thinking face and Ian giggled at that. Before Ethan could respond Ian took the punishment himself and dived down slowly to plant his lips on the older's mouth.

Ethan was quick to reciprocate the kiss. His hand flew to hold the boy tighter before changing their position. Now holding the younger underneath, he kissed Ian with passion. His tongue teased at the seam of Ian's lips before Ian parted them letting his husband explore his mouth.

He moaned into his mouth when the older kept sucking his tongue. Roaming his hands over Ian's body Ethan kissed him hard. Ian also had his tiny hands clutching at the back of Ethan's neck. He was careful not to pull at the hair but just hold at the neck for dear life.

The kiss was passionate and they both were panting when Ethan pulled away. Resting his forehead against Ian, Ethan sighed out of contentment. He was pleased to have the love of his life at his mercy. Suddenly everything looked normal. No issues, no extra love confessions from others, no threats nothing. Life seemed peaceful just as it is.

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