Spaghetti and Meatballs

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Spaghetti and Meatballs

Ian was home just after twenty minutes Mr. Williams had left for Hannah. He entered the house using his key. The house was empty; no one was there to greet or meet. Ian didn't like that; his family was going through a hard time. His father was worried for his mother, and his mother was simply lying on the hospital bed unable to do anything. Cheerful greetings and cute warm words were the first things he was used to whenever he got home but today has been a very low and sad day.

He placed his bag near the small table in the corridor and went to the kitchen straight. Ian was famished and he wanted anything in his sight to eat. The Kitchen was all messed up, the stove had the pot over it having a cold uncooked meal inside, and the counter beside had a lot of vegetable pieces cut into cubes. He wasn't sure if his dad left it all on purpose or for an emergency. Fishing out his phone from his back pocket he called his dad but didn't get an answer, after trying two more times he gave up. Maybe he is busy with something. He took the advice of the intercepted message and decided to call after a while. Now the problem at hand was what should he eat. Roaming here and there he tried to find something but everything available needs to be cooked. He gave up on the magic he was hoping to happen that will bring food out of nowhere. Taking out the fresh pack of salad from the fridge he settled on the kitchen island ready to eat the food. The greens were like mocking him, a simple and flavorless meal was not in his mind.

"Mom can make even salad tasty, what does she add in it that it becomes tasty and flavourful?" he questioned but then took a fork full of the lettuce and capsicum, he eyed both veggies and opened his mouth. Just then the bell at the door made him put the fork back. He groaned before getting up from his seat and going towards the door. The bell kept ringing getting on his nerves.

"Alright, alright I am coming" he huffed and pulled the door open. Upon seeing the man, he was not very much pleased. In front of him stood Julian in his usual sexy form. He was wearing his dark blue jeans fitted perfectly around his long and muscular legs, a black shirt over his hard carved chest, and a black long blazer over it reaching his thighs. His hair was kept free from any restrain and was falling on his shoulders. A smirk on his handsome face and a box of some very delicious food were in his hand. He cleared his throat when he saw Ian looking at him with his mouth open.

He was mesmerizing

Ian was gone for a minute or two. He was so cute and innocent that he couldn't hide the way he felt looking at Julian. His expressions told every story of his heart that fluttered seeing Julian holding a meal and looking like a meal as well.

After hearing the throat-clearing his face went pink in an instant, he was embarrassed for staring so hard. Julian shook his head and smiled at him.

"well.....hello there, are you done staring? He asked with that annoying smirk on his face. He was liking the color on Ian's face.

"uhh ......don't flatter yourself, I wasn't staring at you" Ian rolled his eyes trying to cover his bold staring, and turned around to go inside. He wanted to splatter water on his face. Julian followed inside and closed the door after him.

They both went to the kitchen and Ian settled himself in his previous position. He was again distracted from his food when he smelled the aroma of the food he was wishing to have. In front of him stood Julian discarding the box of food he came with. Ian's mouth watered at the delicious sight of spaghetti and meatballs on the plate. He looked at his salad and then at spaghettis and then finally at Julian with expectant eyes who smiled at him mischievously. Ian wanted to eat that, he was so hungry at the moment and he wasn't in any mood to argue with Julian. Julian sensed his cravings so he started.

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