Dead Crow

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Dead Crow

It’s been a week since the ‘picnic at the park’ thing. The family had enjoyed that sudden plan, they were also blessed with some tired giggles escaping from the youngest of the family whenever Neal did something to catch the attention of Ian.

But that went in vain when Ian was the same even after a week. Dark bags under his eyes, and lost weight. The boy didn’t look like the cheerful, bubbly person he was once.

Ian was facing difficulty sleeping. He could get an hour or two before he jolts awake as if someone has jerked him badly. The lack of sleep was hurting his mind and body, the boy was hell of tired and wanted to just sleep.

Finally, Neal suggested giving the younger some sedatives. Ethan and Mr smith were strictly against the fact but then Cameron and Elliot coaxed them into agreeing. Neal was patient all the time, he didn’t force anything on Ian or Ethan but silently waited for the couple to approve.

He was worried for his young friend and a nod of approval from Ethan was everything he needed. Once Ethan agreed reluctantly, Neal prepared a short amount of the drug and injected it into Ian’s limp, tired form.

The boy felt a little dizzy at first but slowly he closed his eyes welcoming the much-needed sleep. Mr smith once again expressed his disagreement as he watched Ian slumped against the bed with pillows and cushions surrounding him.

“I don’t think it’s the right way. He needs to be treated rather than being injected so he could no longer be a disturbance” Mr Smith said without any filter. He directly placed the point everyone was having at the back of their mind.

It is natural to find anyone who is sick and isn’t well enough to do anything properly, a burden. Mr Smith was right when all of them averted their gaze feeling ashamed and somewhat targeted but Mr Smith said what he said and left the room.

“he is not a burden. Sleep is necessary for him right now. His brain functioning is low and his body is getting weak. It is important, really, for him to take the necessary rest. Once he will wake up you guys can see him a little better. Trust me.” Neal explained his point of view. He was right at his place.

Ian needed sleep as much as he needed treatment. The boy was exhausted with fear and discomfort. A proper shutdown of his brain for a while was important at this point.

“come on Ethan let's go” Elliot said taking Ethan with him and the rest left the room one by one.


Abigail served some drinks in the living area where Elliot, Neal and Ethan were seated. Ethan was still in deep thought, his mind disturbed. The couple also felt bad when they got to know that Mr Smith left the house without telling anyone after Ian was asleep.

Ethan was not feeling right about anything. He was fed up with the things going around.

Neal placed his hand over Ethan’s knees to give it a pat. The doctor was also concerned, he understood how Ethan must be feeling right now. As a doctor, he has seen many family members waiting patiently for their loved ones to get a piece of news regarding their health.

They wait whether the news is bad or good. Whether their loved ones are going to make it or not. But they wait, wait until they hear something and that was the point.

Ethan wasn’t given any proper answer regarding his tiny husband. The man was hanging between something wrong and something right. He didn’t know what to follow so he could help his husband.

Elliot wanted Ian to start his therapy again and take the medication provided but Neal stopped him saying it was not the time for this discussion.

“I just don’t know what to do” Ethan sighed heavily. He leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes. He wasn’t ready to cry in front of his friends but in reality, the tears were threatening to fall out of his eyes.

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