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All family members, relatives, and friends were present there in the graveyard. A picture of Hannah was placed on the table in front of them where every newcomer came and put flowers in front. Their black clothes adorning their bodies and dark clouds above in the sky played perfectly for the gloomiest day they could ever have.

It was a week later after Hannah died, and they couldn't have the funeral before because of Ian and Mr. Williams's health conditions. He was quiet now, sitting with shoulders down and eyes red. No tears were left in his eyes anymore. His beautiful wife, the love of his life was there, just a few steps away resting six feet under the ground.

Ian on the other hand wasn't done crying. He was resting his fragile body in Ethan's arm and crying softly at his mother's memories. Ethan had a slightly tight grip over the boy so he won't slip away from his hold. The people took their turns talking about how much of a good person Hannah was and how they will miss her soul in their lives. Both son and father had no interest in such kind words, those words won't bring her back in any case.

When the ceremony was nearing to the end Mr. John Carlos approached Mr. Williams along with their boss Ronald. They both held his shoulders and squeezed and Mr. William looked up. He stood in respect of his colleague and boss.

You should take care of yourself, gather yourself, Darcy. I know it is difficult but look at your son, he is suffering too. Don't let this all ruin your mind piece." Mr. Ronald said and glanced over at Mr smith who was approaching Ethan and Ian.

"Listen to me, you should join back from Monday," he said and john looked over at their boss in shock. Mr. Williams was going through the most heart-breaking moment and he had the nerve to ask him to come back.

Mr. Ronald, getting what john would be thinking, shook his head at him.

"I am saying this because you have to get rid of your house for a while, your mind will be occupied with different other activities. Your son Darcy, will also seek help from your own attitude. Think over it" he said and patted his shoulder before moving to step back when Mr. Williams whispered.

"I will be there on Monday sir, you are right. I will be there" he said with his head hanging low. Ronald smiled sadly and went away. But before he could leave the graveyard he heard Ian yell. Everyone in the ceremony turned their head to look at what Ian had shouted for.

There stood at the gate, Julian in his black ripped jeans, combat boots, and a black button-up shirt. His hair falling messily over his forehead reaching to his shoulders and resting there in curls. Ian left the warm body that was holding him the entire time and ran towards the man standing at the door.

Everyone gasped when a sudden thud came at their back. Hannah's picture was knocked over on the table. The girl standing near rushed to make it stand again. Everyone saw the interaction between them both but it pained Ethan the most not because of how abruptly Ian ran towards the man but because he felt bad about the man being Julian. But he shrugged it away thinking of the mind state Ian had right now.

Ian on the other hand rushed towards Julian and crashed his small body into that man's chest. He cried loudly in his well-built chest.

Julian held him close and rested his chin over the boy's head, tightening his arms around the frame he lifted the boy and made him circle his legs around his own frame. The younger was crying his heart out. He had a feeling that nobody could get but Julian. He was the best friend of sorts for Hannah. Who could feel more hurt than them or at least who could share the same feeling as them? He cried nonstop that his breath was caught in hiccups.

The Black Figure (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang