Julian vs. Ethan

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                                                                               Julian vs. Ethan

They were walking down the porch to reach that slick black car Ethan had parked earlier when a man bumped into them. The crash was hard as if the man was in a hurry and Ethan stumbled with the way they crashed into each other. Ian took a step back and looked up to see who it was. Same for Ethan. Ethan was well built, and he got pushed strongly comparing his strength.

"Julian?" called Ian after getting who the man was. Julian turned around at his favorite melody. He smiled at Ian and came near them. Ethan stared hard, he wasn't liking him already. On the other hand, Julian glared hard. He wasn't liking it as well.

"Hey shorty, how are you doing?" he asked looking up and down Ian's body, checking him out which wasn't unnoticed by Ethan. He glared at the man

"woohoo, you are going somewhere. Looking pretty" said Julian purposefully glancing at Ethan. Ian smiled awkwardly. He didn't want Ethan to think otherwise, and also he didn't want to think of the day he kissed Julian.

"Yeah, um..we..uh...we." he tried but stammered in the presence of two men having an effect on him.

"We are going for a date. I am his boyfriend. Ethan and you are?" Ethan asked looking at Julian while stretching his one hand to round it around Ian's thing waist and lifting the other for a shake. The younger was stuck, he had his face down, looking at the ground interestingly. Julian scoffed at the offer, never raising his hand to respond to the handshake and Ethan had to take his hand back. He was being rude that much was clear.

"oh, I see. You kept a secret from a friend cupcake. Not fair" Julian was getting on his nerves. He called him 'cupcake' right in front of him. Ian felt guilty for some reason and tried to ease the situation on his own

"no I.i never kept it a se.." he stammered again but the grip on his waist tightened making him quiet. Julian noticed and smiled, a smile of bad intentions.

"that's okay. Well, I was here for some fun time but you are already leaving so I will just talk to your mother, have fun beautiful" he said and smiled again and said the last word purposely to get on Ethan's nerves before going for the main door of Williams.

Ethan became quiet after that and went to open the door for Ian. the date was ruined already. What could go wrong anymore, After reaching their first destination, they parked their car in the underground parking area. Stepping out they held hands and went to the elevator. Getting into the mall, all those colorful lights and shops made them both calm down. The plan was to watch a movie first. So that's what they did. Ethan escorted them to the ticket booth. Getting their ticket for a rom-com they went to get some treats to enjoy during the movie.

Everyone was watching the boy with great interest, some had pervy thought and some were awed. He volunteered to get some coke from a shop while Ethan can get the popcorn ready for them. Along all the people there stood a man, checking the younger out with his disgusting thoughts. After finishing the stick of cigarette he walked casually to stand behind Ian. He pressed his body a little to that curvy butt and Ian moved a little further being uncomfortable. The man was so intrigued to touch him, so he went for it. But before he could touch him a hand was stretched to block the movement. The man shrieked when his hand got twisted behind his back. Ian turned around quickly and his eyes opened wide seeing Ethan and the man in that position.

"don't you dare touch him you filthy bastard," said Ethan with an arrogant tone. The man was in pain that much was visible. His whole arm was twisted at his back and his head was locked with Ethan's other hand. Ethan pushed the man ahead and the man scurried away. People were looking their way with interest. Girls had their cell phones out to capture the handsome man. Their smile fell when they saw how he reached the doll-looking creature and left for the theatre.

The movie was funny and they had fun watching it. Although the mood was already ruined twice, however, they still managed to get the best out of it. After leaving the place they dined at the fine restaurant they had the booking for. Small talks of here and there and the giggles of Ian made Ethan a happy man.

The last destination for the date was supposed to be the arcade but Ian wanted to walk at the nearby park. The park was quiet, not many people. They made their way to the secluded part and settled down. Ian was not a fan of crowds and people but Ethan was the opposite personality so when Ian suggested that they should walk in the park or stay in that beautiful scenery for a while Ethan got the idea of his liking of a calm and quiet environment.

After getting settled on the ground Ethan pulled Ian between his legs and made him lean on his chest. His own chest was pressed at the bark of the tree. He circled his arm around the petite waist of the younger and held him close. Ian giggled shyly when Ethan pressed his nose to his neck from behind. He was getting comfortable in the arms of his lover and he wanted it to last long but the feeling in his heart was something else. He felt a little suffocated. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Ethan

"who was that man at your house?" he asked nuzzling closer to the younger. Ian smiled at the action and placed his small hands-on Ethan's which were around him.

"Julian, our neighbor. He is one of mom's friend." He said and leaned back in that brawny chest.

"mom's friend? I mean isn't he a bit opposite of your mother's personality. How come they are friends?" Ethan asked again

"I don't know, they met and clicked right away. Even dad liked him. He helped in so many things since we shifted here so it's very common of him to visit us" said Ian and smiled when the hold on him got a little tighter.

"I don't like him" Ethan mumbled against his neck. He rubbed his hand over the waist of the boy and pulled him even closer.

"he called you cupcake in front of me, your boyfriend" Ethan said and scuffed lightly brushing his lips at the column of his neck. Ian squirmed a little and blushed at the term but settled again.

"you are ..jealous?" he asked tilting his face a little. Ethan smiled at him charmingly

"of course, no one gets to call you that. Except for me" he said and kissed the exposed skin. Ian stopped his movement and Ethan continued his journey towards his ear.

"h.he is not bad really. When y.ou get to know him, he is good" Ian said and took a sharp breath when his ear lobe was sucked. Ethan didn't like the way Ian talked about Julian so he purposely made a harsh suck.

"I don't know, he is rude. Or maybe there is something unsettling about him. Anyway, the conclusion is I don't like him, not a bit." He said and made Ian turn his way to face him

"and I also don't like when you talk about other men like this when you are with me inni." He rasped but in his authoritative voice making Ian have chills down his spine.

"i...i am sorry" he said a little embarrassed but his thought process was cut short when a press of warm lips was felt against his. His eyes shot up and he looked at Ethan. The older pulled away and smile before holding his nape and bringing their faces closer. Ian closed his eyes and the touch was there again. Ethan was kissing him very gently. Ethan wanted to tell his opinion about that rude guy he met. His mind was not very satisfied with the personality of that man. The guy knew how to provoke someone. He didn't like the way he addressed his baby as well after he declared the relationship. Still, that man had the nerve to talk shit. But he didn't want Ian to think of him again so he dropped the topic on his own. The date was ruined already but he didn't want to let the evening pass in the thoughts of someone he wasn't interested in.

He molded his lips against the younger and sucked on his bottom lips. The outfit and the pretty accessories the younger was wearing were making Ethan hard but the lips and the taste of them were taking away his sanity. They were so soft and pillowy that he could suck on them all his life.

Placing his hand along the sides of the boy he brought them closer. Ian moaned when he was tugged lightly at the back of his hair. He opened his mouth giving the opportunity to the man he loves. Ethan dived right in and tasted the warm cavern of his lover. Caressing the sides of the boy he couldn't get enough.

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The Black Figure (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz