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Life was falling into a routine, becoming a part of daily activities. Both of them were busy in their own world. Surely they had time for each other when they cuddled and eat their food but other than that their life was becoming normal. From getting up in the morning and starting their day they would end up cuddling in bed and listening to each other. Reaching different goals, they have set for themselves, slowly they were progressing. One was following the study course and the other was getting his business to flourish.

Time was flying by. Ian and Abigail had become good and comfortable around each other, they would talk for hours when she was helping him learn cooking and other stuff. In her view Ian was a very quick learner, he was able to put together many things with a couple of mistakes only.

Sometime in between both Abigail and Ethan came up with the name 'peaches' for Ian due to his newfound love of peach-made food. He would giggle beautifully when they tease him and laugh along with him. He was the only gorgeousness in the house and the older party would feel down and quiet whenever he was sleeping.

Life was filled with happiness but they say 'the thing about happiness is that it never lasts. It was one of the several days when Ian needed to start his art project. He was never able to get his stuff from his home when they left for their marriage. And now that he needed it he asked Ethan if he could manage to take him home and get his stuff. Luckily enough Mr. Darcy was also coming back home on the weakened. Ethan proposed a plan to visit on Friday and Ian was happily agreeing to that.

Friday came and Ian found him in front of his house with the key he got from the neighbor. Ethan has left him before the promise to get him in an hour or so and Mr. Darcy was not present at home. He was a little anxious about being alone but he shrugged off the feeling and went inside the house. It was after all his own home where he was living sometime before.

Entering his room, Ian chuckled. Everything was as same as when they left it hurriedly to catch the flight in time. Proceeding into the room, he started picking up the dirty laundry and setting it on his desk. After a quick run to the store room, he was able to get a few boxes in which he could fit his stuff. He was so immersed in his packing that he gasped loudly when came face to face with the devil at the threshold of his door.

He chuckled watching the younger's horrified face. Ian stood there not moving a muscle. He was greatly surprised to see Julian standing at the door. But the focus of his shock was the attire of the older. He was standing there wearing his long black jeans, black jacket over nothing but his bare upper body, long heavy boots, and his hair free from any bound. With a deadly smile on his handsome features, Julian stood there in all his glory.

He was looking like a spitting image of bad news. Ian had a sudden urge to just get out of the house the moment Julian stepped foot inside. Instinctively Ian stepped back which made Julian halt in his tracks.

"w.what are you doing here?" Ian asked masking his fear, but not able to hide it from him. Julian chuckled again at the younger before he managed his way inside the house.

"I am here to see you, baby," he said examining the boy in front. Ian felt uncomfortable under his gaze. Regretting his choice of dress, Ian pressed his lips together. It was evident to meet him here so why didn't he think that a pair of white cargo shorts and his magenta crop top was not a good decision.

"how did you get inside?" he asked trying to change the topic.

"the door was open" Julian shrugged carelessly nearing the boy standing near his dresser. Ian frowned at his answer. He was sure to lock the door when he came inside so how come the door was open?

"and what brought you here?" he asked again while stepping away when he felt Julian was so close to him.

"How is your fairy tale life treating you, baby?" Julian asked completely dodging the question. Ian creased his brow and went straight to his closet. Opening it he started to gather his stuff up.

The Black Figure (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن