unexpectedly pleasant

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Unexpectedly pleasant

"he was Sora Davis who claims the love of the person nobody has ever seen" Elliot announced watching closely how Ian flinched at his words.

The younger looked up at Elliot carefully trying to decipher the true intention of the psychiatrist in front of him but the doctor smiled at him instead before inviting them inside his office while he opened the door for them.

"what does that even mean?" Ethan asked, his hand resting at the small of Ian's back as he guided him towards the two-seater couch, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"I am sorry I can't share much of his information with anyone.........but for your curiosity, it's an old case now with no progress whatsoever" Elliot explained after closing the door as he walked towards a corner table and started to make tea for his guests.

Ian watched the doctor with interest, his gaze fixed on the movements of Elliot as the other moved to do things.

"It's alright.....I know how privacy works with your profession" Ethan said understanding Elliot's stance. He turned to look at Ian who smile at him upon noticing his stare.

"here you go" Elliot chirped placing two cups of tea on the table before he slid one for Ethan. the older reached for the cup making himself comfortable while Ian looked around the office in amazement.

Somewhere in his mind, the wish to see that man again was squirming. For once Ian wanted to meet that man again, to talk and to know about his unseen lover but since he hesitated in front of the other two, it was almost impossible.

Or was it not maybe

"did you like my office Ian?" Elliot asked addressing the lost boy. Ian looked at him for a second and then nodded his head with a smile.

"yes...it's so cool" he commented making Elliot smile at his cuteness. Elliot believed in slow progress, a sudden attack on a patient's problems makes them miserable in a second and he didn't want that to happen to Ian.

"then you are welcome here whenever you want....no appointments and no timelines," the psychiatrist said making himself seem friendly and welcoming.

"Really? No appointments" Ian narrowed his eyes playfully at Elliot at which the doctor chuckled. He nodded his head while taking a sip from his cup.

"none at all......you are always welcome," he said while watching how Ian placed his ice cream cup on the table and sat back with Ethan on the sofa.

"thank you," the younger said smiling at the doctor. He was truly distracted from the events that were going on in his life. For the past few days, not a day has gone where he didn't want to end his life.

The constant pain he felt through every time he spent in that room. A sickeningly strict control over his desires, his mind and his body left him broken. The idea of fear and punishment, which never left his sight, was still so strong that he felt shivers down his spine whenever he wanted to fight back.

Ian lacked attention from his loved ones, his body required the hold of strong arms that will protect him from every dread he had. Ethan, he wanted Ethan to hold him, to caress him, to protect him, to kiss and to love him. He wanted his husband with all his might but then again it was all so far from his reach.

But today was different

Today he felt different

Like a breath of fresh air was awarded to his sulky rotten life. The darkness of the room, the absence of his husband, the sullen faces of his family, his scared and hurting body, it was all gone instead he felt relieved and somewhat happy and when Elliot invited him into his office with so much excitement and warmth, Ian couldn't agree more.

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