Black Leather Corset

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Black Leather Corset

The couple was sleeping peacefully enjoying each other's embrace. Their limbs tangled and their breathing was normal. Close to each other, they could feel the warmth that nobody can provide. Ian had his head pressed against the older's chest, his hands curled between them, snoring lightly until his sleep was disturbed.

The constant noise of some door creaking caught his sleepy mind's attention. He stirred a little adjusting himself against his husband, trying his best to sleep again but the noise that was now a little louder was making it difficult for him.

Shifting, he raised his head to look around, trying to get where the noise was coming from. He frowned when he looked at the bathroom door.

The door was opened fully and the light was on. Because they don't leave any light on during their night time, it was quite unusual for him. his eyes stopped wandering when the door swayed again before shutting softly.

He looked around in the room, eyes lingering on his sleeping husband for a minute longer, wondering if he should wake him up or not. Ian felt a little uncomfortable about the door, he decided to leave it like that and look for the reason in the morning but...

He was still skeptical when the door opened again with a click, the voice of the handle being twisted clear in the room. The door opened and swayed back until it collided with the wall behind it.

Encouraging himself, Ian stood up from the bed, wincing when he felt the pain in his lower belly. Slipping into his slippers he walked slowly and carefully towards the door.

The door came back suddenly making him halt in his way. His eyes focused and his body froze when the door started to move back and forth on its own. The creaking voice coming from the hinges created a creeping background sound as Ian stood on the tiled floor watching it with fear in his eyes.

He stepped back looking down when he felt his feet wet from something. On the tiled floor, there was so much water, his soft bunny slippers were drenched along with his feet. It was uncomfortable for him, the bunny slippers were soggy and clingy to his feet.

But he wasn't concerned about that, his concern was the unknown source of water in the room that was wetting him. Cautiously he looked up again and the light was gone, the door of the bathroom shut and he was standing alone in the dark with only his side's lamp illuminated in the room.

"hah!" he jumped when a hand was placed over his waist. Ian looked back hurriedly to find Ethan looking at him with worried eyes. The older in his sleep tried finding the smaller boy who slept with him last night but upon not finding him he opened his eyes to look for him, and to his surprise, Ian was standing in the middle of the room and not moving

"what's wrong peaches," he asked taking hold of his arms. He made Ian walk near the bed and made him sit.

"I saw something," he said looking scared and confused. Ethan looked at his back and then around before he focused on the boy again.

"what, what did you see?" he asked politely not to startle the boy. Ian pointed towards the bathroom door and remained quiet.

The older stood up to look for something Ian was scared of. He checked all the places, the bathroom, windows, and the closet before he came back to Ian. kneeling down he held his hands and kissed them one by one.

"There is nothing, what did you see?" he asked again. Ian had followed him with his eyes wherever the older went, he was sure that Ethan didn't find anything.

"it's probably nothing.....maybe I had a nightmare" he dismissed the topic not even letting Ethan ask anything further. He slipped his slippers off, noticing they were dry and fluffy as they were before, and climbed in his cover.

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