You were right

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You were right

The doorbell rang and Mrs Davis opened the door. At her front lawn stood three officers cladded in their gear and uniforms. She peered behind them and around to find something unusual that she wasn’t aware of but she found nothing.

“yes, how may I help you?” she asked politely readying herself for the questions they might have for her.

“We are here for Sora Davis?” one of the cops said showing his id. Mrs Davis looked at them and furrowed her brows in confusion before letting them in. The officers entered the house and looked around for a moment.

“I will call him, just a minute” With that Mrs Davis left them in the living room and vanished behind the stairs. After a moment or two, a very sleepy-looking Sora emerged from the staircase held by his mother who was now really composed.

“I am Sora, how may I help you,” Sora asked in his sleepy tone. Not fully awake but still he could judge bad news from the faces those officers had on.

“do you know Abigail Mitchell?” one of them asked directly while showing a picture of a smiling Abigail to Sora. Mrs Davis peeked at the picture and grimaced in her own thoughts. On the other hand, Sora took the picture and scanned his memory before shaking his head.

“I am sorry sir but I don’t know who she is” he answered truthfully. The officer nodded his head before pulling out another picture. This time making Sora fully awake and alert.

Ian smiled shyly in his picture along with Ethan. Mrs Davis snatched the picture even before Sora could take a look. She scoffed at the picture, passing it to her son who somewhat glared at her attitude.

“do you know this boy here?” the officer pointed at the smaller one in the photo and Sora nodded his head like in a daze. The officer nodded his head exchanging a glance with his fellows.

“Abigail Mitchell has killed herself in Smith's residence. The security camera has recorded her taking her own life making it a very simple case of suicide but this boy here is not convinced to say the least” the officer finished already calculating the looks both mother and son had on their faces.

“What is her death has to do anything with us” Mrs Davis scowled at the cops. She wasn’t liking the talk very much and she made it pretty obvious by doing her thing.

“Ian Smith has said your name, Mr Davis. He believes that Abigail wasn’t in her right mind when she sliced her throat and you, somehow, can explain it to us. And although it is a case of clear suicide, we still have to do our part before closing the file. So if you know anything, it will be great” The officer cleared the story and found two different reactions.

One was Sora, who was confused at first but then he looked sad and concerned. And the second is Mrs Davis who was fuming by the end of the police rantings. She wasn’t a fan of helping others and she wanted that for her son too.

“I am sorry officer but my son cannot help you in any way possible. he doesn’t know Ms Mitchell as he said before and he doesn’t know why that stupid boy said his name all of a sudden. I will request you to leave since we have to leave for somewhere” Sora was about to start when Mrs Davis interrupted him and answered for him. She was very rude and straight to the point that the cops had to take a few minutes before proceeding.

“how do you know Ian Smith?” one of them asked ignoring the strict look from Mrs Davis. They were there to work not to tolerate her.

“I met him at the medical centre I go to for my treatment. He was there with his husband. We have met once or twice after that and that’s it. I don’t know him personally” Sora completed making his mother roll her eyes.

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