Can You See Him

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Can You See Him

The day Hannah woke up from her sleep:

It was like a dream; she was in a dream. The darkness, quietness, and suffocation all were making her overwhelmed. Breathing was hard, like someone ran a marathon, only it wasn't her. She could sense it near her ear.

Pressure started to build on her chest, little by little it felt like a heavy rock on her body. What was happening to her? Trying to reach the burden on her chest she tried to scream. She wanted to scream but nothing came out.

Looking around in that darkness she wanted to find a source, a little hope that could help her, take her away from this torturing dream that seemed like a reality. She was tired, very tired.

A small dot of whiteness caught her eyes. That could be it right, the hope she was looking for. She leaped for the dot, trying to get a hold of something. The dot became wider as she took her steps towards it but getting near she gasped aloud. He was there standing just in front of that light. His silhouette had that glow of the light coming from its back. She stopped and took a step back. The figure had no feet, it was floating on a spot.

A cry, she heard made her look at her back opposite to the light, a cry that was resembling her son. She felt a shiver when a thick voice laughed a little, a snicker maybe. She turned around to the light and saw the figure shaking his head. A smile must be adorning his expression from the way the snicker came out of him.

She felt helpless when again the painful cry of her son reached her and made her heart hurt but at the same time, the laugh of that rude and cruel figure was making her shiver. All those voices combined were making her insane, she wanted out of that place, she wanted to be held in a strong grip that can take the pain away. She was overwhelmed, having her boundaries of patience getting crushed she screamed at the top of her lungs.


A man in the wheelchair was waiting in the corridor, waiting for the nurse to finish her entry of the day in the register at the reception. Fifteen weeks ago he was admitted to the hospital due to his accident in a road rash. He was disabled, not able to walk on his own.

She rushed to him, apologized to him, and held the handles of the wheelchair to push. He was taken to the examination room for his weekly check-up.

"He will be here shortly, please wait, Mr. Adam," she said while patting his shoulder which he shrugged rudely.

"like he is here on time for all my meetings" he commented with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes at him. It was already a stroke of bad luck to deal with such a patient. She pleaded and nearly begged the administration for a change of the duty hours to avoid Mr. Adam and his old rude ass.

The examination took almost forty-five minutes after the late arrival of the doctor. He wasn't fond of his patient either but duty is duty.

Mr. Adam wished to be in his bedroom alone and the nurse was so much happy to do so. He refused the garden time he had on his schedule. They both passed through the corridor when that horrifying scream of a woman was heard. The nurse flinched and rushed towards the door of the ward she heard the scream from. Mr. Adam rolled his eyes at her overdramatic-ness and rolled his wheel to get in his room by himself but her cries were making him intrigued.

Hannah was not being controlled by anyone, she was terrified that much was visible. She was being held down on the bed when Roy entered with concerned expressions on his face. He also tried to reason for her to calm down but Hannah wasn't listening. Roy gave up and asked the nurse to prepare the anesthesia. The nurse proceeded with the order but stopped when Hannah started crying. She was vulnerable and it was a hurtful sight.

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