Chocolate-Vanilla Croissants

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Chocolate-Vanilla Croissants

Ian rushed down the stairs when he heard his father's voice. A box in his hand seemingly from a bakery and a smile plastered on his handsome face, Mr. Williams was standing near the entrance of the house talking to Hannah. He saw how his father kissed his mother and came inside handing her the box.

"What is this? Ian asked kissing his dad on his cheek.

", vanilla and chocolate, croissants ." Replied Mr. Williams leaving his bag on the couch.

"oh wow, it's my lucky day. Mom made me strawberry cheesecake and you brought this" said Ian while peeking inside the box from behind Hannah's shoulder.

"no more sweets for the day Ian," his mother said

"only one, please mom," Ian said with puppy eyes. He asked for help from his father but he shrugged. Hannah smiled and placed a piece on the plate for him.

"freshen up Darcy, I will set the table," Hannah said to her husband before getting the table ready for dinner.

Having their dinner peacefully, the family shared their day with each other. Although Hannah and Ian had their share of days spent together but the individual point of view still mattered. They talked about here and there until it was the topic of Ethan and his visit the day after tomorrow. Both his mother and father teased the boy and Ian blushed. It was a cute sight to witness, and Hannah wanted to protect that forever.

Whenever she had thought of Ethan and Ian, the thought of Julian never left her side. She was scared of him and her motives for Julian were also clear. She feared the consequences of her actions for herself at the same time as she feared the future of her son.

Mr. Adam was going to visit her soon, she knew what could happen but to what extent she had no idea. The cockiness of the old man and the threat of the young supernatural being were making her edgy. Getting impatient was not a solution, but she was only human. She snapped out of her thoughts when a warm hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked up and Mr. Williams was standing there holding two cups of hot chocolate in his hands. He put the mug on the table and sat beside her at their dining table.

"what are you thinking?" he asked taking a sip.

"nothing, where is Ian?" she asked taking her cup and looking around the table.

How long I zoned out

"he went to his room; his friend was calling him. Something from college I guess" said Mr. Williams and Hannah nodded her head. Mr. Williams wanted to ask her before but she dodged the questions saying 'nothing is wrong or 'you won't get it' but today he wanted the reasons she had for her behavior.

"I don't you what you are up to, but I am concerned now darling." He started catching Hannah off guard

"what do you mean?" she asked, trying to hide her nervousness,

"you tell me. I know something is bothering you. The reason you got to the hospital in the first place? It must be important, and I want to know now." He said and eyed her sweaty hands.

"what are you saying Darcy, there is nothing to worry about. Don't worry. Won't I tell you If I had anything?" she smiled at him and he stared

"maybe you don't trust me enough" Hannah looked up at him with wide eyes

"what! No Darcy, what are you saying. I trust you more than anything," she said and held his hand

"then why don't you tell me?" he asked a little irritated. Wanting only the best for his family, Mr. Williams was feeling helpless at the moment. He knew nothing that caused the incident couple of weeks before. He can't let it go without getting to the reason.

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