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What do you mean", asked Mr George with his eyebrows raised. Sharon, who was sitting on her chair stood up and sat beside her husband. She was cautious in her talk because of how her husband was going to react.

"It's simple dear, we can go there and marry our children. That way it will be a little vacation and our task will be over" she explained in her gentle voice. But Mr George was not liking the idea.

"task? You are considering this a task Sharon. What is wrong with you, what about their happiness, what about their little desires for the very important decision of their life?" he asked a little in disbelief of what his wife was up to.

"There is nothing wrong with it, everything we did just got ruined, either by others or by some unknown" she whispered at the end but Mr George caught that before she could manage.

"what unknown?" he asked with curious eyes

"Nothing, just listen to me, it is in the benefit of our children. Nothing is wrong with it so don't get worried just help me out" she said while standing up, showing she was done with the talk but she couldn't provide satisfaction on the matter to her husband, and he wasn't going to just stand unless he gets that.

"wait Sharon, what is going on? Tell me so I can learn better" she was very much against the idea of discussion right now. Her plan was almost foolproof. If her speculation was right, some unknown was indeed trying to get the marriage to stop. Call it a women thing or whatever but she could feel something off around her. she could feel the wrong nearby.

Her idea was simple, get our children for a vacation, take them back to New York and marry them off when visiting the church. But still many things were coming in her way, like her husband for one. He wasn't getting the point of marrying their kids like this. In a hurry.

She was about to answer when both Camron and Ethan appeared in the doorway. Ethan was about to knock when he saw Sharon standing near. The elderly woman smiled and welcomed both inside the room.

"How is Ian doing, is he ok?" asked Sharon and offered them seats on the couch. Ethan remained standing just beside his mother and Camron seated herself on the couch.

"he is ok, again busy with a project of his own. Just had some leftovers" Ethan updated briefly to the grandma of his lovely boyfriend. Ian was once again becoming gloomy with the things that were going on. He was missing his mother more when everything went wrong. Ethan was there for him.

The older boy showed himself whenever Ian was feeling lonely and that worked when he got busy with his work again. Studying is not easy and for ambitious students, it is definitely not easy.

Ian was one of them. he had to score best in everything he does, and that got him going for the art project he has to submit in the coming days.

Sharon hummed at his response and looked at her husband to stay quiet but Ethan beat him to it.

"what were you talking about grandma, some church and vacation," he asked, not sure to even ask but still he did. Sharon looked at him and her husband sighed loudly behind her.

"tell him, maybe I can understand if he tries too" Sharon made that glaring face at her husband and turned towards Ethan once again.

"I have a friend back home. She called me earlier and during our talk, she told me about her church" Sharon said carefully learning the expressions of the guests in her room.

The Black Figure (completed)Where stories live. Discover now