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It’s been days since that horrifying night when everyone witnessed the dark, black figure. The figure claims itself as Ian Smith’s lover and promises to take him one way or the other.

As if it was not enough, a painful series of new and terrifying events started in the Smith family after that night. All four of the family members had something to tell when it comes to that.

Although the said ‘something’ never occurred in the presence of the whole family but still the incidents were dreadful and scary. Since that night, it felt like the leftover peace was also gone from the house.

In his despair, Ethan had tried every possible contact he had to get the solution to this problem. He has contacted many people just to get some typical answer like ‘It is nothing serious, just a play of mind’ or ‘I don’t believe in these things at all’.

These findings did nothing but hurt Ethan in every way. He was also the one who didn’t believe in these supernaturals, didn’t believe in some evil spirits or lost souls. But then, under these beliefs, he had hurt the person he loves the most in his life.

The regret was going to stay with him for a lifetime.

Ian was the only being that was getting Ethan going. The boy was back to being weak and sick. With dark eye bags under his eyes, visible cheekbones, tiredness and lost weight, Ian looked like a living corpse.

It was hurtful to see the boy in his state. The younger couldn’t keep food in his stomach, he couldn’t sleep without sedatives and was scared each and every moment. He babbled nonsense and cried for hours until his tears were dry.

Ethan couldn’t help but cry in helplessness when he was alone.

Mr smith knew the state of his own son, he was desperately trying his own connection but all their efforts were going in vain.

Devastated was Ethan when he and his father went to the church for the umpteenth time only to get refused again. The priest, after knowing how Abigail died, refused to help the family. He told them to never come back if they want to discuss the matter.

It was truly disappointing for the father and son when they left the church with no hope. Ethan didn’t even want to go home; he was scared to see his tiny husband who he has seen awake a few days ago.

The boy was mostly asleep under the effect of the medicines Neal has prescribed. The stress releasers and anti-depressants were making Ian sleep for hours eventually making him look at peace with comparison to his awake state.

Mr smith patted his son’s shoulder to encourage him but inside he was himself getting hopeless with the endless search.    

Filing in their car, Mr smith took the wheel while Ethan slumped in the passenger seat with a huff. He was trying not to cry in front of his father but the tears were still streaming out of his eyes.

Harshly he wiped them and closed his eyes to give them some rest.

They talked through their journey and discussed many other possibilities but none seemed perfect for their situation.

“I am thinking about calling Darcy. Maybe he could help. what do you think” Mr Smith started with the new topic taking Ethan’s attention.

The idea was good and could prove to be really helpful for Ian but there were certain things that need to be considered.

“I don’t know Dad. I have been lying to them about his health. If they get to know about this, I don’t know how will they react.” Ethan was right at his place. Mr Williams was calling every weekend just to talk to his son. He might be suspicious by now with the amount of lies he was hearing.

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