Make me

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                                                                                      Make me

Ian was stuck on the floor of the bathroom. That shadow at his back moved a little and then stopped moving at all. He felt a chilled air blown at the back of his neck and that did for Ian. he flew through the bathroom door at the speed of light and crashed into a big buff chest. Julian's hands flew to grip his hips in a tight hold. Without thinking about the situation he is in, Ian blabbered.

"i. I saw someone there in the b. bathroom" he said with a shaky voice. Julian smiled and started rubbing his back with fake concern

"Who?" he asked

"i.i don't know, but there was someone for sure" Ian explained and tried to calm his breathing. He never noticed the closeness of their bodies until now. Raising his head, he was face to face with Julian who had his eyes darkened with an unknown emotion. Ian was just wearing his towel on his lower half, his upper body bare. His bare supple skin, presenting a whole new concept of the sexy Ian. Realizing his condition, he tried to get away from the older, but the hold got tighter on his waist.

"j.julian" Ian stammered when Julian stepped forward, making Ian take a step back

"Hmmm," he hummed in a sing-song manner eyeing his body with the most unholy thoughts that it was visible to Ian.

"i.i ......" Ian whispered wanting to get free but he couldn't get the words out so instead he placed his small hands on the older's chest and pushed him a little in order to deliver the message but Julian remained unfazed.

"you what" Julian whispered back as if making fun of his state. Not allowing him to answer Julian pushed him a little and placed his left hand on the wall behind Ian. the younger was pushed to hit the wall softly and he had no escape when Julian placed his hand behind him on the wall.

When Ian couldn't respond due to the close proximity, Julian took this as an invitation and dived right in to kiss those plump, kissable lips, the younger closing his eyes shut ready to embrace whatever was going to happen.

Before Julian could touch those sinful lips with his own the door of the room opened suddenly. Both of them turned to look at the door and Ian panicked. He tried to push away the older but his efforts were of no use when Julian didn't move an inch and glared at the disturbance which ruined his beautiful moment.

There at the door stood Sharon, gaze strong as if challenging when she saw what was happening in the room. She diverted her eyes from Julian to Ian and smiled at him before looking back at Julian. Sharon was not your typical granny, she was just as bad and blunt in her way as a spoiled brat can be.

"sorry I didn't knock on the door, my child. But now that I am in, can you please step out of the room, I want to have some time with my grandson" she smiled. Her expression was so calm, that no one can get that she felt uncomfortable in the presence of a non-human being. But she doesn't know that her suspicion is right.

Julian glared at her and released the younger to step back. He turned around to look at Ian before leaning in to kiss his temple with care. Looking into his scared eyes he whispered.

"had a beautiful, enjoyable time with you baby. If you need comfort, call me whenever you want okay?" he said and Ian merely nodded before Julian turned around and walked to the door.

He stopped near Sharon and with all seriousness in the world, he delivered his words.

"try to knock when you enter someone's room granny, apology cannot always save you," he said and left the room. Sharon released her breath she was holding it for how long she didn't know. She gathered her scared self and walked towards her grandson. Ian was looking down, head hanging low, ashamed.

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