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"NO!!!!..........NO!!!!!!.........FUCKING NO!!!!" screams of frustration, rage and defeat were echoing in the black mansion. Julian was mad, he was mad to a very extreme level. He was supposed to get what he wanted like always but why he didn't get to have it now? Why?

He was upset and didn't know that the game will be flipped. Overconfidence never proved right for anyone in this world. But he doesn't care. Julian believed in one thing if he has eyes for anyone, person, or a thing, that should be his by hook or by crook.

Never in his life, he has encountered such denial, such defeat from a normal human being and for a normal human being. But no, Ian isn't just a normal human, he is much more than that. He is his life, he is the love he wants, and he is the beauty just for him. Julian was possessive and obsessive about the things he wants.

The earlier rejection was now taking its toll on him. He was furious at the certain boy who, without even considering his feelings, rejected him in the worst possible way.

"hey, beautiful," said Julian appearing right at the back of the boy who was sitting on the grass. Sketch pad in his hand and pencil in another, Ian was drawing scenery of his choice when Julian came

"oh you scared me" he jumped a little at the invasion but resumed his work afterward. The older sat beside him and peeked at the work he was doing

"interesting, you are talented" he commented in a real smug way and Ian rolled his eyes. Julian chuckled under his breath and scooted closer resting his hand just beside the hip of the boy.

"you know I can see what am I doing and right now I know it is not what we can call good in any way" he scoffed at the comment. Ian was never satisfied with his work, always came back to change the project here and there. Never he was satisfied with the project and always got impressed or a little pressured seeing others' work.

"hmm" Julian hummed but somehow Ian picked the bite behind that 'hmm', turning around to scold Julian for that tone, Ian froze when he was close to the older face. He was so close that their breath was mixing, lips centimeter apart, he turned around abruptly when he saw the advancement from the older.

Julian didn't like it; he never likes the aversion of the boy when it comes to any intimate moment. Furrowed eyebrows, Julian chuckled humourlessly and cracked his neck to ease his mind.

"what's wrong?" he asked nearly whispering in the younger's ears. Ian shuddered before he moved a little to get away from him. His grandmother and he had a long talk regarding Julian last night. She advised him after clearly defining each and every scenario in front of him. She told him the consequences and also taught him the meaning of commitment.

He wouldn't let anyone come in between him and his future husband, just because they want to. Knowing the meaning of loyalty, love for family, and affection he felt towards Ethan were encouraging him to give a shut-up call. He sighed heavily before standing up.

"Nothing," Ian said and dusted his white trousers for any dust or grass that might have glued itself on him.

"what is it, where are you going?" Julian asked a little impatient. He wasn't getting the positive vibes from the situation.

"It's nothing Julian, I am going inside," Ian said but came out a little more irritated than intended for. He tried to walk away but Julian grabbed his wrist in a tight hold.

"no tell me, is it because of the other day huh? Are you behaving like this because you didn't like that" Julian asked and Ian winced at the grip on his wrist? He tried to get away but to no avail.

The Black Figure (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن