Strawberry cheesecake

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Strawberry cheesecake

Hannah woke up before Ian and went to her room, the amulet still in her grip. She was exhausted from the events of yesterday night, Not able to tell anyone she had to endure herself all the misery. After checking on her husband she took a hot shower, hot water on her tensed skin felt like heaven. She could use a bubble bath sometime to get rid of her usual tired form.

After getting dressed in her casual black slacks and loose beige shirt, she tied her now dried hair in a messy bun up on her head and started her day pretty normal. Hannah was afraid, of what Julian could do and how far he can go for his desire but it isn't going to work that way. She had to buckle up to save her son and not mourn or worry over the events that passed. Last night when after she revealed the amulet, the expression Julian had, made her a tiny bit happy. It means that he can also be tamed in a way. She could use it if there is another encounter.

Picking up the amulet from the sink top she looked at it curiously. Her beautiful dark eyes followed every little detail it had imprinted on it. The amulet wasn't anything special but a round medallion. It was compressed with the holy prayers and was effective on spirits or supernatural beings. Anyway, it was the best thing she had to cling to when she needed the courage. She tied the hook of the amulet around her neck and closed her eyes for a moment. She tried her best to relax and succeeded.

"you are up, darling," asked Mr. Williams from her back. She smiled and turned around to face his sleepy figure. She caressed his head and kissed his cheek. He smiled at her and hugged her small frame.

"get ready, I will go make breakfast okay," she said while pulling away. He smiled again and kissed her before leaving to get ready. She sighed, her family is important and she will do anything to make them happy.

She got startled when leaving the room. Ian was standing at her room door, rubbing his cute big eyes with his sweater paws, a visible pout on his face. Hannah cooed at her son and embraced him while walking them both to the living room. She made him sit and cupped his face to look at him.

"Why are you up so early, it's your vacation, you can sleep long," she said and removed the sleep crusts from his eyes. He showed his toothy smile before hugging her waist.

"I am hungry, my belly is making weird noises," he said with a little whine and looked at his stomach before smacking it a little and Hannah wanted to bite his cheek.

"I will prepare the breakfast, go and freshen up," she said and made him go upstairs ignoring his protest of brushing his teeth on vacation.

She shook her head and went to the kitchen. The aroma of freshly made pancakes and coffee filled the house. The dining table was set, Mr. Williams was reading his newspaper while Hannah was setting other things on the table. She placed a bowl of strawberries on the table when Ian emerged from the living room running into the kitchen and placing his perfectly round bum on the stool. Hannah smiled at him before serving the giddy boy.

"so what are you guys planning to do today?" asked Mr. Williams taking a bite of an egg and a piece of strawberry on his fork. Both mother and son made a face seeing him chewing that weird combination.

"yes we have planned a lot actually, we are going shopping, brunch, movie, and then cycling around the park," said Hannah while at her son who was stuffing his mouth with the pancake he had in front.

"yesh dad, yaou shoud join thoo" Ian said with his mouth filled, and both his parents laughed at him.

"Alright I guess, but I can't join. Maybe next time" said Mr. Williams before he stood up and got ready to leave. Hannah went after him to see him off, they both kissed and Mr. Williams left but Hannah never left the main door. She was still a little scared and wasn't ready for any encounter right now.

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