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The living room was silent as all the awaiting eyes were focused on Regan and Beatrice. The old man was mumbling something under his breath for a while now with his hands clasped around the thick beaded chain around his neck, while Beatrice kept on reading her own thing.

Ian and Ethan were sitting beside Regan. The younger was mostly confused than scared as he watched two strangers doing strange things in the presence of his family.

Ethan had a firm grip around Ian as if the boy would vanish out of sight if he ever loosened those tight arms.

He knew his tiny husband had many questions swirling in his mind and Ethan would be happy to answer them as well as tell him about the progress they made so far but that would be an interference in Regan’s and Beatrice's work and he didn’t want that.

It was a game of patience that was left on the family’s side.

Soon enough, the old man opened his tired brown eyes and turned to look at his wife who was already watching him. She nodded her head in affirmation and Regan sighed loudly.

They were ready to start.

“What is your name?” Regan asked his first-ever question to the oblivious boy after turning to him completely.

The others then realized that it was the first time that Ian and Regan were having a dialogue. A dialogue where Ian wasn’t not spitting angry words and Regan wasn’t replying the same.

Ian remained quiet for a few seconds and then he spoke timidly.

“Ian Smith” he answered.

Regan smiled relieved that he was still talking to Ian and not that devil he had started to despise. The boy wanted to smile back but he had no courage to do so when all eyes were focused on his small frame.

“give me your hand” the old man started, stretching his own hands towards Ian making his husband look at him.

Ethan wasn’t expecting Regan to start just like that. He was expecting some comforting talk and promises or even a small introduction of who those people were but that didn’t happen at all and Ethan was somehow a little disappointed.

Guess they don’t work like therapists.

The older couple had a reason though. They had very limited time on their hands in which they had to use their preparation for the past three days. Introduction and small chats could ruin the opportunity and their efforts altogether.

Regan waited for Ian to comply, patiently, while his mind kept going back to the burning ashes of that tiny book he had worked for a long time.

It was an alarming situation nobody could understand the depth of, except for the old couple. That evil force was so powerful in its conjuring tricks that if they slipped once, Regan could easily imagine his and his wife’s demise at the mercy of that brutal being.

Still, they were ready to fight, fight for that small human who was in possession of someone who was wicked and unforgiving.

Ian was hesitant. He turned to look at his husband who was there beside him and asked for help without saying anything. Ethan nodded his head encouragingly, comforting his tiny husband about him being there no matter what.

But that wasn’t enough for Ian, those things were never enough.

Helplessly, Ian slowly stretched his small hands towards the man who held them in his gentle touch providing immediate comfort to the young boy.

The old man closed his eyes and started to concentrate, his wife standing behind him silently.

Suddenly Regan hissed loudly and left Ian’s hand with a rough jerk before opening his eyes. The younger jumped back and Ethan circled his arms around Ian, flinching himself.

The Black Figure (completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu