Is he....?

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                                       Is he....?

Ethan stood shocked watching the younger as his chest heaved with heavy breathing. Not able to understand how to feel about all of this, the older looked conflicted.

Ian was sprawled over his bed right in the middle, on his back, and was completely naked in all his glory. His body was bare of any article of clothing while his eyes were closed as if he was in a dreamland, dreaming of something beautiful.

It was bizarre how peaceful and unbothered Ian was while his milky white, soft body was visible to anyone in the room. Ethan couldn't close his mind around this new scenario when he heard a gasp near him.

Didn't know when but Ethan's mother entered the room after him and to her surprise, the boy she got so worried about was naked and sleeping on his bed.

Cameron was standing there with her mouth clasped with her hands, her eyes shook and wide. It was a long time that she waited outside the closed door and heard the most obscene moaning of the younger but she couldn't believe the cause for which Ian was crying.

Ethan, after seeing his mother's shocked expression, rushed towards the oblivious boy and started to cover him and while doing so his eyes wandered over the white stains on the younger's chest.

Did he masturbate?

It didn't need the genius to figure out what that could be but there were multiple other questions that needs to be answered.

Ethan thought while trying to pull the sheets, which were jumbled up under Ian, over him. he was so confused to even make sense of it all. After completely covering the younger, he left the room along with the other members.

Elliot and Neal were waiting in the living room. At first, Elliot was confused at his husband's abrupt turn from the room but when Neal told him about Ian, the psychiatrist remained quiet, thinking about something deeply.

The friends may have discussed some stuff outside their working hours. In those discussions, Ian remained the most popular topic, his behavior, fear, and other things.

A little demo Elliot had in his mind from the time when they were invited for Ethan's birthday. He surely was skeptical about things but now he had some possible facts to think about.

They both watched as Abigail, Ethan, and Cameron climbed down the stairs. Their expressions were so grim that it made the couple uncomfortable but they waited for them to approach.

Abigail left for her chores where both Cameron and Ethan entered the living area, gesturing the couple to have a seat.

After settling down nobody said anything. Silently they tried to untangle their thoughts roaming around the events and Ian as the time passed, it was until Ethan broke the ice.

"was he.... I mean...there were spots......" Ethan tried to say whatever his mind produced but the words couldn't get together to form a logical sentence. His trouble was watched by everyone in the room.

"even if he is normal......" Neal said trying to cut the awkwardness between them. Ethan looked unsure and his suspicion was back with his mother's opinion.

"I don't think so.........what we heard was not something like that," she said looking at her crossed hands, unable to make eye contact.

"What did you hear?" Elliot asked, speaking for the first time. His tone was a little confused but his posture was fully professional. Cameron looked up at him before she sighed.

"He was in pain...... maybe I am mistaken but it wasn't due to p..pleasure and that is for sure," she said standing up from her place and left the room with fast steps.

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