Troubled place

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Troubled place

Ethan was helping his tiny husband, who was wrapped in a towel like a burrito, to sit on the bed where his clean clothes were placed. The boy didn’t say a word since the time he was awake, letting his husband do as he please with bathing him and dressing him.

Ethan was talking on his own knowing that the younger was at least hearing him. he was busy telling him the occurrences that happened recently in his company and around the house when he got interrupted by a heart-wrenching scream.

Ian jumped at his spot with his curious big eyes staring at his husband.

Ethan left the boy to leave the room but Ian pulled at his sleeve. Upon looking back, Ethan found Ian squirming in discomfort.

He didn’t want to be alone

He pulled the boy along his side and they both rushed down the stairs finding Mr and Mrs smith outside their room with concerned faces.

“What happened?” Ethan asked looking between his mother and father.

“I don’t know, let’s go,” Mr Smith said, quickly walking towards the living room leaving the three of them alone. Mrs Smith eyed Ian with a questioning mind making Ian divert his eyes and hide behind his husband.

When they all reached the living room, Mr Smith was the one who found Abigail lying on the kitchen floor unconscious. He yelled her name taking everyone’s attention and rushed to her side.

“Abigail? Abigail?” Mr smith called her name but she wasn’t responding. The man also noticed some pieces of glass scattered around her limp frame but that’s for some other time.

“I will call the doctor” Ethan announced pulling out his phone to call the building infirmary. All this time Mrs Smith had a very hard time focusing on the unconscious Abigail, her eyes were trained on the younger boy who was oblivious to his surroundings.

“Ian, are you okay?” she asked hesitantly making the boy jump yet again. He tried to smile but his weak body felt like suffering from even doing such a small act.

“He will be here soon, we should shift her to the living room Dad?” Ethan informed and Mr smith nodded his head. with both of their strengths combined, they managed to lay Abigail on the sofa before waiting for the doctor.


“she is fine, nothing to worry about,” the doctor said with a humble smile. He was an old man in his late fifties. Me smith nodded in understanding passing the glass of water the doctor has asked earlier.

A few drops of cold water fell over her face and she opened her eyes slowly taking in every worried face hovering above her. The doctor smiled at her and then proceeded with his treatment. Once he was done inquiring about her state and there was nothing to be concerned about, the man left the apartment after bidding goodbyes.

“What happened Abigail, why did you scream?” Mrs Smith asked sitting beside her. She placed an encouraging hand over her shoulder to support and comfort her.

Abigail smiled thankfully not really noticing Ethan pulling Ian, who was standing afar from them, closer so he wasn’t left behind.

As soon as her eyes fell upon the younger, her smile vanished. She stared at him wide-eyed making Ian uncomfortable. The younger pressed his face in Ethan’s’ chest but it was no use because when Abigail started, Ian didn’t know what to think and where to hide.

“M...Mr peaches was here…..” she muttered but loud enough for everyone to hear. Ethan looked down at his husband who was as confused as everyone else.

The Black Figure (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz