She Can't Cancel Christmas (Ace's sister)

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Ace was just thinking about whether he should head over to Eyeball's place to see if he was up for some action, or if he should just grab a beer and watch some TV, when raised voices from the living room disturbed him. No TV then. Whatever the screaming match was about, he wasn't looking to get involved. He was tempted to go spend the evening with Eyeball, but the thought of leaving you alone at your mother's mercy held him back.

It sounded like you were crying already, but you didn't let that stop you from screaming back at your mother and stomping your feet.

If only you would learn to ignore her like he did, life would have been so much easier for him and you both. But no, you just had to let her bad mood and constant spiteful comments get to you. Ace supposed he couldn't blame you. You were just a kid, and a sensitive one, at that. Still, he wasn't going to get involved. You should have been used to it. And if Ace tried to stop the argument, that would only make her keep it up longer.

Instead he waited and listened to the screaming get more and more one-sided, until the only sounds from you loud enough to reach him were occasional sobs and it was just your mother's voice booming through the house. Then footsteps running toward your room, your mother screaming how she'd teach you some respect if you dared to slam your door, promptly followed by the sound of you doing exactly that.

Ace listened intently for any signs that she was coming to make true on her threat, ready to step in if he had to, but it seemed she had better things to do.

He waited until he was sure she'd stay in the living room, then he snuck down the hallway to your room. He didn't bother to knock — the sound would only draw your mother's attention. Closing the door behind him, he saw you were sitting on your bed, arms wrapped around your knees as you tried and failed to stop crying.

Not wanting to make you feel cornered, he leant against the wall beside the door. As cuddly-feely as you usually were, you always reminded him of a hurt animal when you were upset, snapping at anyone who got too close until you had calmed down enough to let yourself be comforted.

"What was that about?" he asked from that safe distance.

"It's not my fault! All I did was ask when we could finally bake Christmas cookies!"

"Never said it was your fault." Ace knew all too well how much your mother liked to get angry and scream at you over essentially nothing. She had probably been in a bad mood because of your father being out drinking again, and used the chance to let it out on you since you were an easy victim. "I take it she doesn't want to bake cookies with you?"

"Nh-nh. And she said if I keep getting on her nerves Christmas is cancelled altogether."

The offended look on your face almost made Ace laugh, but he stopped himself. You'd finally stopped crying now, and he didn't want to be the cause of more tears.

Instead he feigned sympathy. "Damn. Good thing she can't cancel Christmas. Guess you'll have to bake alone though, huh?"

"I'm not gonna bake alone! That's no fun!"

Ace shrugged. It was beyond him what exactly was supposed to fun about baking with your mother — or, in all honesty, about doing anything at all with her.

"At least no one's gonna yell at you if you're doing it alone."

"Yeah, I guess... But if I did it without her she'd just scream at me after for using ingredients she'd meant for something else or something."


Neither of you said anything for a while. Finally Ace asked what you wanted for Christmas in hopes of cheering you up, but your expression remained sinister.

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