Glitter (Ace & Eyeball's daughter)

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Inspired by a comment from MionSnojkorn <3

(Y/N is about seven in this; Kenny nine.)

One of the many things Ace has learned since becoming a father is that glitter is very persistent. It gets everywhere. It's impossible to get rid off, because it sticks to you like glue.

And unfortunately for him and his husband their daughter loves glitter.

The glittery print on her favorite shirt is cute enough, but the glitter rubs off and gets everywhere. On her other clothes, on her parents' and brother's clothes, on the goddamn dogs. She trails glitter after her wherever she goes, and as if that isn't bad enough she insists on smearing glittery toy-makeup on Ace's face as well as her own when playing dress-up.

Ace steps out of the shower and looks in the mirror.

Is it finally gone?

He turns his head a little, and the light catches a few stray particles of glitter on his cheek.

He sighs.

Of course it isn't gone. He would never be able to get rid of all of it.

Once he's dressed he leaves the bathroom, only to find Y/N chasing one of the dogs through the hallway, a tiara in one hand and a pink cape in the other. Poor Bonnie.

Y/N herself is still wearing her frilly princess dress, glitter smeared all over her face and in her hair, which is topped by her own butterfly tiara.

Hadn't she said she was getting bored and wanted to play something else?

Oh well. Ace supposes playing dress up with the dog is more interesting than playing it with him, and thank god for that. But when Y/N sees her dad she stops running after the dog and makes a beeline for him instead.

"Bonnie doesn't wanna be a princess," she pouts.

Ace shrugs. "You can't force her. And we gotta start preparing dinner soon, anyway. If you want to help me it's time to get changed back into your normal clothes."

Y/N considers this. "What are we cooking?"

"I was thinking we could make pizza. What do you say?"


Before Ace can say anything else, she runs off to her room, presumably to swap the princess dress for clothes that will survive it if some of the pizza ends up on them. She always gets food on her clothes somehow... Though of course the main reason is that Ace and Eyeball still haven't managed to convince her that her sleeves are not, in fact, napkins. Maybe today he'll be fast enough to wipe her mouth with an actual napkin before she can do it on her sleeve, but he doubts it. She always does so when they're not expecting it, and she's quick. By now it has turned into a kind of challenge, and so far Ace and Eyeball are on the losing side.

He heads to the kitchen, throwing a glance into the living room as he walks past.

Bonnie has squeezed into the space between Richie and the back of the couch he's sitting on. She won't stay there for long. Once she hears Ace and Y/N rummaging in the kitchen she'll know the danger of having to play princess has passed, and come begging for scraps.

He's getting the things they'll need from the cabinets and the fridge when Y/N comes in the kitchen, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but still covered in glitter.

"Did you wash your hands?"

"Of course! I'm not an idiot, Dad!"

"Okay, okay. Just asking, cause, you know, I'm pretty sure there's a whole lot of glitter still on your hands."

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