Imagine painting Ace's nails

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"Ace? Can I paint your nails?"

Your brother slowly turned away from the TV to glare at you.

"I'm sorry, you want to do what now?" he asked, as if he hadn't let you do it plenty of times before, as Eyeball broke out laughing from his seat next to him.

But he immediately stopped laughing when you added, "Your's too, Rich."

"Oh, no. Absolutely not."

"Please! I'm bored!" You gave them your cutest puppy-eyes, knowing they never could say no to those. "C'mon, it'll look great!"

Ace was already pulling the grimace that always preceded him caving, but Eyeball stayed resilient.

"Can you imagine what my old man's gonna do if I come home wearing nail polish, Y/N? He'll take one look and bash my fucking head in."

"I can remove it again before you leave."

Eyeball shook his head. "Just paint Ace's."

"Excuse you?!"

"Don't act as if you don't let her do it all the time," Richie grinned, and Ace's frown only deepened.

"I don't know how the fuck you know that, but I swear to god if you tell anyone I'm gonna bash your head in."

Eyeball grinned even wider.

"Tell them what? That you're an absolute softy when no one's around? That our little Baby-Cobra here"—that earned him a "Hey!" from you—"got you completely wrapped around her little finger? Or that you apparently wear nail polish at home sometimes?"

Ace rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at him. "Just shut the fuck up."

You had gotten settled in the space between them on the couch now, and set down the differently colored little nail polish bottles in front of you for your brother to choose from.

"Which one do you want?"


"Not an option."

"What? Why not?!"

"Because you always pick black. Pick one of these."

Ace sighed and finally payed attention to the nail polishes lined up between you two. He quickly decided on a dark blue one. An easy decision when most of the other options were either pink, sparkly, or both.

When you opened the bottle both boys wrinkled their nose at the smell.

"Be honest Ace, what's worse– the humiliation of wearing nail polish, or the smell?" Eyeball asked.

"The smell. Definitely the smell."

You grabbed Ace's hand, instructing him to hold still and started painting his nails.

Eyeball scooted closer, and rested his chin on your shoulder to watch.

"Don't shove her," Ace warned him with a glare. "I don't want this stuff to get all over my whole fingers."

He didn't shove you. He kept perfectly still, fascinatedly watching how precise you were with the little brush, and it wasn't until you were screwing the bottle of nail polish shut that he broke out laughing again.

You looked up, and yes, the sight of Ace with his hands stretched out in the air as he couldn't touch anything until the nail polish was dry was very laughable indeed.

The look he was giving Eyeball though, not so much.

"Keep laughing and you can walk home," he said with a glance toward the window, outside of which the rain was pouring.

"That's cruel," Eyeball complained, but stopped laughing.

"And you're really sure you won't let me paint yours, too?" you asked, pouting at him.

"Yeah. Sorry, Princess. Maybe some other time, okay?"

"Okay. I'll take you up on that."

And if Richie was hoping you would forget he'd said you could paint his nails some other time, well, then he was going to be disappointed.

You would remember. Definitely.

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