Arguments (Preference)

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Ace: This is really self-indulgent, but I'm someone who cries when I get angry and I think Ace would absolutely hate if you do that. Like, the first few times you guys fight and you cry he'll get super pissed because he thinks you're trying to manipulate him by crying and that adds another point to the argument. You tell him you can't help it, try to explain it again once you made up, but it'll definitely take some time for him to get used to it. He just really doesn't understand why anyone would cry when they're angry. But when he sees you cry about other stuff that made you angry he understands that it's really just an involuntary reaction that you can't help. Which isn't to say it won't affect him anymore after he understands, he still absolutely hates it because he hates seeing you cry, even more so if he knows he's the reason for it. Eventually it becomes a habit that when the both of you are fighting you'll give each other space to cool down when things get too heated, then when you've both calmed down you can talk about things in a more civilized manner.
Ace is not someone who gets loud when he's angry, instead of yelling his voice just gets really cold. He tends to say things he doesn't actually mean when he's upset, and some of them can be quite hurtful, but afterwards he always makes sure you know he didn't mean it.
All of that aside, Ace is all for hate-fucking and make-up-sex. Like, seriously, the moment you two stop arguing he's pushing you up against the wall kissing you all over. Sometimes, if it's just a small, petty argument he won't even wait until you stop being angry at him, he'll just shut you up with a kiss and then you can both let of some steam with rough sex. After bigger fights the makeup-sex is more gentle, just very soft moments showing each other your love.

Eyeball is definitely someone who gets loud when he's angry, and if you do too fights between you two will be more shouting matches than anything else. You'll both be too worked up to actually put into words why you're upset, so you just yell at each other until you both calm down eventually. Only then can you start working on resolving the issue (if there even was an issue to begin with. Often enough you end up fighting over nothing because of a simple miscommunication). But no matter how heated your arguments get, you always make sure to never make the other feel unsafe.
Also a big fan of soft and tender make-up-sex.

Fuzzy hates confrontation so instead of fighting with you he'll just give you the silent treatment or make passive aggressiv comments when he's mad at you. If you want to know why he's mad you'll either have to guess or confront him yourself. But when you guys actually talk about it the argument always resolves rather quickly.

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