What you do for your birthday (Preference (sister!reader))

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A/N: I only did Ace, Eyeball and Billy for this one and it'll vary from chapter to chapter who I include in preferences in the future. Sometimes I just can't come up with stuff for all of them or it would just be too similar.
Also, once again Ace's turned out much longer than the others. Sorry not sorry.

Ace would make you your favorite food for breakfast, be it pancakes or bacon or whatever. Or he'd just let you have cake for breakfast if that's what you want. Then, after breakfast you'd get to open your gift. He wouldn't get you anything big but something casual you really wanted for a while, like a book you had an eye on or a new record from your favorite band. You'd obviously spend the day with the Cobras, dragging them to a lake a bit away from Castle Rock to go swimming. Not exactly their favorite pastime, but you're the boss for the day. They can hardly deny you anything on a normal day, but on your birthday it's literally impossible for them to tell you no. Your smile when they agree to go swimming with you immediately smothers any complaints they might have had, and they do end up enjoying themselves.
Later, in the afternoon, you'll drive back into town and the boys are gonna treat you to some ice cream. For dinner you'd get fast food, and afterwards your brother would quickly shoo all of you back into the car because you're almost running late for the horror movie he promised you at the drive in! You get there just in time, thanks to Ace's reckless driving, and thank god for that because the movie turns out to be fucking great and the huge smile on your face goes to show that this was exactly what it took to make an already great birthday perfect. When the movie is over it's already pretty late, but as far as you're concerned the day is far from over.
You would head to Irby's for a game of pool billiard and a few beers, and if you catch the boys letting you win on purpose, no you don't. They just love to see how happy you are about winning, okay?!
When you finally head home it's almost morning and you end up falling asleep in the car on the way. Ace carries you inside and tucks you in, gently kissing your forehead before going to bed himself.

Eyeball and you wouldn't really do anything special on your birthday. Your mom will wish you a happy birthday at breakfast, and if your dad is having a good day he'll say it too, and that's that. You don't get a cake or presents or anything because according to your parents you guys are too old for that shit.
You'd spend the day as usual, hanging out with the Cobras. They won't make a big deal of your birthday either, but they all congratulate you and they'd have bought some alcohol so y'all can get wasted together.
At the end of the end of the day you and Eyeball crash at Ace's place because if you came home drunk you'd be in big trouble with your dad. Fucking hypocrite.

Billy would plan a surprise for you together with Connie. He would wake you up early and eat a quick breakfast together before dragging you outside into Ace's car, which he'd burrowed. It would have taken him some convincing but eventually Ace gave in. You'd pick Connie up at her place and drive to a beautiful place out in nature. Connie would have packed food and drinks for a picnic, and you guys would spend all day outside, talking and laughing, rolling around in the grass without a care in the world.
You'd stay out there until the sun begins to set, only then would you guys drive home. Connie would sleep over at your place, and you'd stay up late watching TV until you fall asleep on the couch.

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