When you get your first boyfriend/girlfriend (Preference (sister!reader))

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Ace absolutely hates it. He's this fucking close to telling you you're not allowed to date anyone ever. If it's one of the Cobras it's not quite as bad, but he's still far from happy about it. He doesn't like the idea of his little princess growing up, and the thought of getting replaced, that some stupid boyfriend/girlfriend might become more important to you than him? Unacceptable. Even worse, there's the possibility that the relationship won't last and you'll get your poor little heart broken! He seriously considers running them over with his car to avoid that. But! He will not let you know just how much this bothers him. Yes, he tells you he doesn't like the idea of you dating anyone. Yes, he definitely gives them a shovel talk when you go ahead and start dating anyway. Yes, he is obviously a little grumpy and extremely overprotective. But you are his sweet little princess and he will not let it out on you. Your partner however... Well, you'd better wish them good luck.

Eyeball pretends he doesn't care, but actually he's really excited and curious. And a little anxious, that too; he can't help feeling protective over you, even if he's only older by a few minutes. If it's one of his friends he'll definitely be even more worried at first because he knows what they're like, but at the same time he's kind of glad because even if they're usually assholes they're his friends and he can be pretty sure they'll treat you well. If it's someone he doesn't know he wants to know everything about them, and I mean everything. He'll listen to you talk about them for literal hours and he won't even get bored. When he meets them he will instantly make it very clear that if they hurt you all the Cobras will come after them, and no one will find the body, trust him on that. And then he'll smile and pat their shoulder like it was just a friendly little joke.

Billy doesn't really care. Of course he'll want to make sure the person is someone who'll treat you well, and he's happy for you, but it's not a big deal to him. If anything he's a bit annoyed by how much Connie is fussing over the whole thing — according to her getting into your first relationship is a very important step. Speaking of Connie, she'll definitely insist on frequent double dates!

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat