Item he has that reminds him of you (Preference (sister!reader))

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Ace: A matchbox car. Growing up you loved playing with cars much better than dolls or other typical girly stuff, and this one had been your favorite. You gifted it to Ace as a peace offering after you had a big fight one time, and it's been sitting on the bookshelf in his room ever since.

Eyeball: I'm cheating a little because, uh, it's not an item, but... the scar next to his eye that he got his nickname from. He got it protecting you from your father's wrath after you accidentally woke him from a drunken slumber. Not exactly a nice memory, but he'd do it again any time. You would do the same for him — have done the same for him — and also have your share of scars to prove it.

Billy: A rock. Yes, a rock. But it's a cool rock, or at least you told him so when you gave it to him. You insisted it's shaped just like a dolphin, and when he showed it to Connie, hoping she'd be on his side and tell you it looks nothing like anything but a rock, she agreed with you. He keeps it on his windowsill, waiting for the day when his imagination catches up with yours and he sees the dolphin shape too, even if he doubts that's ever gonna happen.

Charlie: A potted plant in the living room. A few years back the both of you hid a dead mouse in it's soil, and your mother complained about the stink for months, but she never figured out where it came from, and eventually it stopped smelling.

Fuzzy: A picture of the both of you with your dog. He keeps it on top of the dresser in his room, but hides it when he knows his friends will be over because he doesn't want to seem like a softy.

Vince: A mirror with a small crack in it's corner. It's in the hall between both of your rooms, and you crashed into it while playing one time when you were younger and still got along. Vince is reminded of the good old times every time he walks past it.

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Where stories live. Discover now